Frequent Questions About Dog Surgery

There are many different types of dog surgery, some optional and others serious in nature. Whether you are taking your dog for ACL surgery, a standard spaying or neutering procedure or any other type of veterinary surgery, it is important to understand the reasons your dog is having surgery and how to help him get through the entire process quickly and healthily. Read on to find the answers to some of the most common questions that dog owners have about surgery and recovery.

Does My Dog Need Surgery?

Many pet owners balk at the idea of surgery, fearing that it is too dangerous or costly. On the other hand, some owners take surgery too lightly, delaying a procedure that may save their pet's life or not taking proper care of their dog after surgery.

Consult with your veterinarian if you suspect that your dog may have any medical condition or other cause for veterinary surgery. As veterinary medicine has progressed in recent years, a substantial number of canine afflictions that previously required surgery may now be treated or improved with prescription medicines. These medicines are almost always cheaper and less risky than a surgical procedure.

How Do I Prepare My Dog For Surgery?

If you are preparing your dog for surgery, it is vital that he not eat food for 12 hours prior to the operation, and that he not drink water for at least 8 hours prior. Food or water in your dog's system may cause him harm during the surgery.

As a pet owner, the one of the most important things that you can do for your dog during surgery is to reassure him and calm him. Ensure that you follow any specific pre-surgery instructions provided by your veterinarian in order to make the procedure run as smoothly as possible.

How Much Does Canine Surgery Cost?

The cost of your dog's surgery depends greatly upon the type of surgery, the veterinarian and his clinic, the time spent during the surgical procedure itself and any additional pre- or post-surgery care that is required. Speak with your vet for a price quote for your dog's surgery, and do not be afraid to shop around for different clinics. However, make sure that the vet who operates on your dog is one you have a comfortable, trusting relationship with.

What Do I Need to Do After Surgery?

Although your veterinarian may give you specific post-operation instructions for your dog, in general it is important to keep your dog from being active for several days following his surgery. Your dog may require a specific diet, exercise regimen or medicine, and it is important that you observe these requirements accurately. Finally, ensure that your dog does not bite or chew on his stitches or the surgical area, as this may cause unnecessary post-operation complications.

Before your dog has surgery, be sure to discuss the procedure and the benefits and risks of surgery for your particular dog with your vet. Pet surgery is a frequent cause of anxiety in owners, and it is helpful to voice any concerns or special requests that you have to your vet as well. Be well informed and prepared to take care of your dog before, during and after his procedure.

