Tips for New Puppy Care

Being attentive to new puppy care is crucial to building that special bond with your new dog. Because you're bringing your puppy into a new home with new smells, new people and new surroundings, he's likely to be a little disoriented and confused. This is a normal reaction to the unknown. However, if you follow some basic tips for new puppy care, you can make your puppy's transition go a little more smoothly.


A good way to make your new puppy feel welcome in your home is to supply him with his own bed. In a new home where he isn't sure of anything, his own bed will make him feel secure because it carries his scent.

Dog beds range in material and price to fit any choice you make for your puppy. Regardless of what type of material or pattern that you choose, the bed should be comfortable enough for your puppy to want to sleep on it. If the bed is not comfortable, it is likely that he will not sleep on it.

Food and Water Bowls

Before you bring your new puppy home, you should make sure that you have a food bowl and a water bowl ready for him.

There are many varieties to choose from, such as stainless steel, ceramic and plastic. Keep in mind that your puppy will be teething at some point, and a plastic food dish can get destroyed very easily. Ceramic food bowls have the ability to break and shatter, which can be dangerous to your dog. Stainless steel bowls present neither of these problems, but they are slightly more expensive.

Grooming Supplies

One of the most important things that you will buy for your new puppy is grooming supplies. You will need a brush, nail clippers, shampoo and ear cleaner. Stocking your home with these items is essential to maintaining good hygiene in your new puppy.

A soft bristle brush generally works better on puppies because they are gentle. A soft and gentle brush can make grooming time feel more like a relaxing massage than an unknown obstacle.

Likewise, you will need nail clippers to keep your puppy's claws well kept and at bay. Although the nails may not need much trimming initially, the idea is to get your puppy accustomed to clipping so that he learns to accept it as a normal routine.

Shampoo and ear cleaner are equally important to your puppy's hygiene. Germs and dirt love to hide in the hair and in the ears. Making sure that you keep these areas clean will help prevent the onset of skin conditions and ear mites.


Not only do toys pacify an otherwise anxious puppy, they are also great for brain development. Toys teach your puppy how something works and how to interact, both with people and other dogs.

The variety of toys for your new puppy is truly unlimited. You'll find everything from chew toys to squeak toys to flavored bones. While your puppy may have his favorites within in his toy pile, the idea is to let him have a little fun and show him that interacting with you is fun, too.

