Treating Dog Bladder Control Problems Caused by Bacterial Infection

Housebreaking a dog is already a challenge, but it is further complicated if bladder control in a dog becomes an issue. When he needs to urinate, a dog that has been housebroken has no problem letting you know. Bladder control problems, on the other hand, can cause a dog to have accidents despite their training. Bacterial infection can cause bladder control problems in a dog, but fortunately there is treatment that can help to alleviate it.

Bladder Control Problems

Bladder control issues may indicate something more serious such as diabetes or kidney failure. A urine analysis is used to determine whether the problems are caused by a bacterial infection. Bacteria will be visible in the culture if this is the case.

Treating Bacterial Infection

If the problem is bacterial infection, you can administer antibiotics to your dog. One or two weeks of antibiotics will be followed by another urine analysis. You should, however, see results in a matter of days, but finish the whole treatment. Pure cranberry juice mixed with the dog's food from time to time will decrease the risk of later infections.

Bladder control problems cause by bacterial infection can be treated relatively painlessly. If you notice any symptoms, let your vet inspect the dog to be certain it is something more serious.

