Treating Tapeworm in Cats with Fenbendazole (Panacur)

Tapeworm in cats is a parasite that lives within the intestines and usually comes from the presence of fleas or lice. The condition rarely has any major signs or symptoms unless it becomes severe enough. If left untreated, the tapeworm parasites will begin to break in the intestinal wall and present themselves in the feces. Vomiting and weight loss may also occur if the cat is left untreated. Fenbendazole is a drug that is commonly used to treat tapeworm in cats, and is available over the counter.

About Fenbendazole

Fenbendazole is an over the counter drug available to treat tapeworm in felines, but this drug should only be given under the supervision and direction of a veterinarian. The drug is available in either tablet or injection form. Fenbendazole is classified as a anthelmintic drug and can be used to treat other gastrointestinal parasites in animals as well. Another common name for Fenbendazole is Panacur.

Common Uses of Fenbendazole

While Fenbendazole is an effective treatment for tapeworm parasites in cats, the drug can also be used to treat the following conditions in animals:

  • Various gastrointestinal parasites presented in the stomach or intestines
  • Hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, strongyles and strongyloides
  • Certain parasites of the lungs and bronchial tree

Possible Side Effects of Fenbendazole

Fenbendazole is a very safe and effective drug in general, and should always be prescribed by a veterinarian before use. Like other medications, Fenbendazole can cause side effects in some cats. The occurrence of vomiting may happen after administration, as well as the presence of dead tapeworms in the feces. Fenbendazole should never be given to cats with an allergy to the drug.

Fenbendazole and Dosage

When a veterinarian has instructed to administer Fenbendazole, it should be used for several days. This drug is usually not effective in treating parasites as a single dose, so it is advised to give Fenbendazole once daily for several days. Sometimes the duration of treatment will depend on the severity of the condition, so it is important to follow the instructions on dosing from a veterinarian. If you notice your cat feeling better and recovering quickly, it is still necessary to complete the entire treatment plan and duration to prevent the condition from reoccurring.

Prevention of Tapeworms in Cats

While there are effective treatments for tapeworms in cats, it is always a good idea to take measures in preventing the condition from occurring in the first place. The most common way a cat can get tapeworms is from the presence of fleas. Flea prevention is a relatively easy task, and there are various new products on the market used to prevent fleas in the home and yard. To gain more information on flea control products, contact your veterinarian.

It is also important to know that tapeworm infestations can reoccur again after treatment is completed, so it is highly recommended to address the source of the tapeworms and make sure the problem is taken care of to prevent it from happening again.

