Treatment Options for a Sneezing Kitten

Inflamed membranes of the nose, or foreign objects in the nose, will lead to a sneezing kitten. It is not unusual for a cat to sneeze, but it could be an indication that your cat is sick. There are treatment options for kittens that are suffering from sneezing, but first of all, you need to pinpoint the exact cause of the sneezing.

Causes of Sneezing

These are some of the potential reasons why your kitten is sneezing:

  • Upper respiratory infection caused by either a virus or bacteria (this is the most common reason)
  • Allergies
  • Irritants
  • Foreign objects in nasal passage

Upper Respiratory Infections

Viral infections are highly contagious among cats. If you observe your cat starting to sneeze after coming in contact with another animal, this may be the cause. Cats are not susceptible to the same viruses as humans. Some symptoms that go along with sneezing can include:

  • Nasal discharge
  • Swollen glands and eyes; for kittens, the eyes can be sealed shut from discharge of the eyes
  • Coughing
  • Fever

The symptoms depend on the type of virus your kitten has acquired. As viral infections develop, it has been shown that often a bacterial infection will develop on top of the initial viral infection. There is no treatment for the viral infection, but antibiotics are prescribed to fight the bacterial infection while the kitten's own immune system fights off the virus. The only help you can offer for fighting the virus is to relieve congestion. A warm, slightly damp cloth can be used to clear the kitten's eyes of the discharge.


Your kitten could either have seasonal allergies or allergies to the products you are using for him. It's possible that the litter you are using is dusty, and is causing your cat to sneeze. The same is possible if you are feeding your cat dry food. The best way to determine whether or not this is the case is to observe if your cat is sneezing after eating, or using the litter box. If this is the case, you will want to try and switch out the products, and see if the problem persists.

For seasonal allergies, pay attention as to whether or not your cat is sneezing during a particular time of year. If it is seasonal allergies, your vet will prescribe antihistamines.


Irritants can range from perfume or household cleaners, to cigarette smoke. Pay attention to when your cat is sneezing. If there is a common denominator, you can pinpoint what is causing the irritation, and simply get rid of it.

Foreign Objects

Foreign objects can become lodged in your kitten's nose. This is not unusual if your kitten has been poking his nose around in the grass, or dusty areas. If this is the case, it will likely to be limited to one nostril. Most kittens will sneeze the object out, but if this is not the case, it may have to be physically removed. You should consult your vet before attempting to remove a foreign object, as you could inadvertently cause damage to the nasal passage.

