The Two Types of Insulin for Dogs With Diabetes

When a veterinarian prescribes insulin for dogs with diabetes, there are several factors that he must take into consideration to determine the type of insulin he will prescribe. Both the dog and the owner must be taken into consideration in order to make the type of insulin and medication schedule work for all involved.

Top 2 Types of Insulin Prescribed for Dogs

Vetsulin has been in use for more than 15 years. This type of insulin is made from highly purified pork insulin suspended in a solution of zinc and zinc crystals. This is a Lente insulin, making it an intermediate acting insulin. Being a porcine based insulin, it has the same amino acid sequence as in canine insulin, making it highly effective in dogs. Vetsulin is also commonly known as Caninsulin, but the brand was expanded to include feline diabetics.

Novolin is a human insulin based product having a history of over 60 years. It's formulation began as a pork insulin based product and evolved to a human insulin base. While human based, it is still effective and commonly used in the treatment of diabetes in dogs.

Insulin Activity and Duration

Insulin has a period of activity that affects when it must be injected and how long it will continue to work in the dog's body. Insulin also has a peak of activity, making it critical that the dog be fed at an appropriate time in order for there to be enough sugars in the dog's system for the insulin to burn, avoiding hypoglycemic reactions. The broadest selection of insulin activity and duration is found in Novolin, providing short, intermediate, mixed and long-term activity insulin. Vetsulin/Caninsulin currently offer intermediate-acting insulin.

Short duration insulin reaches its peak activity in a very short period of time and drops off to no activity very quickly. Short-acting insulin is frequently mixed with intermediate or long-acting insulin to provide peaks of activity at meal times. Short-acting insulin can also be used to control high blood sugars that can occur when a dog is sick.

Intermediate-acting insulin typically has a peak of activity 4 to 10 hours after injection, depending on the type of intermediate insulin. The insulin has a steady level of activity in the bloodstream for up to 16 hours after injection. Many veterinarians utilize the intermediate-acting insulin as the medication can be split into two injections and can be timed to provide peak activity at meal times. Long-acting insulins have a more steady level of activity, starting to work about 6 to 10 hours after injection and staying in the bloodstream for approximately 20 hours after injection. This provides a more consistent level of activity throughout the day.

The variations available in insulin products allow your veterinarian to tailor your dog's medication schedule to fit the way you and he live your lives. By selecting the appropriate insulin, optimal blood sugar control is obtained by timing dosage and insulin activity levels to fit your dog's activity and meal schedules. While multiple, small meals would be ideal, not many dog owners have the luxury of being at home during the day to administer these meals. By working with your veterinarian and keeping open lines of communication, your dog can have optimal blood sugar control with minimal issues through the use of the proper insulin.

