Weight Management Dog Food

Weight management in dogs is important, as obesity is the major cause for a few deadly health conditions including heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. An optimal weight can be achieved through diet and exercise. However, if for any medical reason your pet is not allowed to exercise, you can rely on diet dog food to reach a normal weight. The dog food for weight management must contain special ingredients that meet the nutritional requirements for canines, but at the same time should be low in calories. The diet food can be prescription food or made at home after the recommendations of the vet.

Homemade Food

The best way to control the amount of calories consumed by your pet is to prepare the food yourself. A lot of commercial dog foods contain flour and sugars that don't contain essential nutrients, but are high in calories. Eliminating the unnecessary carbs and maintaining the essential fats, proteins and fibers will help your dog lose weight.

Consult your vet prior to switching to an all homemade diet and ask about the necessary amounts of fats, proteins and fibers. The protein contents of the food should be at least 18%, while the fat should be at least 10%, maintaining the health of the skin and coat. You should administer a lot of fibers to promote a healthy digestion and weight loss. However, the necessary amounts of nutrients may vary according to the condition and weight of your dog. Carbohydrates are not important in a dog's diet, and dogs can live without eating carbs.

The transition to the new diet should be gradual. You may opt for raw foods or cook the meals.

Prescription Food for Weight Management

Prescription diet is a good option for dogs that need to lose weight. Your vet may recommend a brand of food that is lower in calories, or prescribe food that was specifically created for overweight dogs.

The light version of dog food is also a choice. Make sure to ask the vet first or read the labels. A lot of light foods may cut down on calories, but may also cut down on nutrients that are needed for the proper function of the dog’s body.

Liquid Food

Liquid food can stimulate the weight loss of your pet, as it contains fewer calories than the kibble food and will also keep your dog full for a longer period of time. Consult your vet before you switch to an all wet diet, as some dogs may experience digestive problems.

It is also important to get some special treats and chew toys for your dog to help maintain a proper dental hygiene and keep the plaque off your pet's teeth.

Dog Weight Management Tips

  • When your dog is on a diet you should remember to reduce the amount of treats you administer, as treats have a lot of carbs and won't help him lose weight.
  • Don't leave food out in your dog's bowl, as this will allow him to have a snack and eat more calories.
  • If possible, your dog should also exercise at least 40 minutes per day.
