What's the Best Food for Dog Weight Gain?

Dog weight gain may be recommended after a surgery or an extended illness. If your dog needs a few extra pounds you may want to find the best food to make him gain weight. The best food for your dog is not a specific one. Your dog may respond well to specifically formulated food for weight gain, but he may also gain weight if he remains on his normal diet. All you need to do is to make sure your pet gets the nutrients he needs and an increased number of calories.

The Best Food for Dog Weight Gain

There is no particular food that can ensure your dog gains a few pounds. While there are some specifically formulated foods that should make your dog gain weight and stimulate his appetite, your dog can gain weight even if he stays on the same regular diet, but eats more.

The essential thing when the dog needs to gain weight is to increase the number of calories consumed. If your dog eats more calories than he consumes, he should gain weight. You can also ask the vet for a few vitamin supplements that increase the dog's appetite.

If your dog has a cold or his sense of smell is affected, you will have to help him eat by feeding him with your finger and give him a taste of the food, so that he can start eating.

Dry Food or Wet Food?

You may ask whether dry food is better than wet food for weight gain. Even though the dry food may contain more carbohydrates and fillers that could help the dog gain weight faster, wet food may also be recommended when the dog needs to gain a few pounds.

The basic rule is that the food needs to contain the calories the dog needs, and also the essential nutrients. More importantly, the food has to be tasty, so that the dog is more likely to eat it. Dry food may not always look appetizing to dogs, especially if they are sick. If you opt for dry food, make sure to add some fish oil or tomato sauce to moisten the food and make it easier to swallow and digest.

Supplement the Dog's Meals

When the dog needs to gain a few pounds, he has to eat a specific number of calories that will exceed the number he requires for his daily activities.

You will have to add 20 to 50 percent more food in your dog's food bowl, so that he will eat more. Don't expect your dog to eat all the food at once. You can also increase the amount of food on a gradual basis. First, you can add about five percent extra food and encourage your dog to eat. Praise him after finishing each meal. In time, your dog will be used to eating more and you can add even more food.

