Why Is Your Cat Spraying After Neutering?

Cat spraying is a common problem and in most cases may be stopped by neutering the cat. Typically, over 90% of cats stop spraying within 6 months after the neutering procedure. However, even neutered cats may spray; typically this is due to a medical condition or stress.

Cat Spraying

Cats spray to mark their territory and this is a means of communication between cats that are seeking a partner to mate. Even if the spraying behavior is more common in male cats, females may spray also, when in heat.

If neutered, most cats stop spraying. In rare cases, cats may continue to spray and this behavior is not linked to any medical condition. Typically, these cats are neutered at a more advanced age, when the cat has already developed a habit out of spraying.

Ideally, cats should be neutered before they reach sexual maturity (6 to 12 months old). This may prevent the cat from developing a spraying behavior.

Spraying after Neutering

Spraying after neutering may occur in some cats. While in rare cases, the spraying is just a behavioral problem, in most cases this behavior may point to a medical problem or stress.

If a neutered cat is spraying, this can indicate that the cat has a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections will cause pain when urinating and the cat will try to avoid his usual urination spots to avoid the pain. Urinary tract infections may be caused by viruses or bacteria and may be treated with antibiotics.

Stress may be another reason why a neutered cat is spraying. A stressed cat will also display other symptoms such as excessive licking of the coat, even to the point of causing bald patches, aggressiveness and agitation. Stress may be caused by numerous factors; the cat may be stressed because there are changes in the home or if there is a new family member or a new pet.

Another possible reason for spraying in your neutered cat may be the change in the regular litter brand. The cat can sense the change in the odor of the litter or in the texture and will spray as a gesture of disapproval. In this case, changing the litter brand to the old one should solve the problem.

Eliminating Spraying after Neutering

Typically, if you identify the problem that causes the spraying behavior after neutering should eliminate this behavior.

Urinary tract infections can be treated in up to 2 weeks with antibiotics and the administration of a lot of fluids.

Stress may be treated with medication such as Valium or possibly with pheromone diffusers. These pheromone diffusers will spread odors that mimic the cat pheromone odors and should have a soothing effect on the cat. The pheromone diffusers may also stop the spraying behavior in cats that continue spraying after neutering without having any health problems.

You should also remove the urine odor from the house, to prevent the cat from urinating in his usual spots. You may use diluted vinegar to clean the cat urine.

