Advantage Multi for Dogs

Advantage Multi for dogs is a topical medication that targets flea infections and worm infestations in pets. Although Advantage Multi is also formulated for use in cats, you shouldn’t interchange these medicines. Since it has a combination of active ingredients that treat both flea and worm infections, the medication isn’t available as an over the counter formula. It should be used with care, exactly according to the vet’s instructions.

Advantage Multi for Dogs

Advantage Multi contains the active ingredients Imidacloprid and moxidectin. It prevents your dog from suffering from adult heartworms and treats:

  • hookworms
  • fleas
  • whipworms
  • roundworms

Imidacloprid is an insecticide that has an adverse reaction on the nervous system of fleas. Once ingested the medication gets into the flea’s nervous system and causes paralysis. Moxidectin on the other hand, works as a parasiticide and paralyzes whipworms, roundworms or hookworms that are present in the dog’s body.

Dosage and Administration of Advantage Multi

The medication is not ideal for use in dogs that are less than 7 weeks of age. If your dog is older than 7 weeks and weighs between 3 and 9 pounds, buy and use Advantage Multi 9 for dogs and apply the solution on the pet’s skin, on the area between his shoulder blades. If the dog weighs between 9.1 and 20 pounds use the same medication and the same application procedure.

If your pet weighs 20.1 to 55 pounds, use Advantage Multi 55 and apply the medication in 4 spots from the base of his neck to his upper back. If the dog weighs 55.1 to 88 pounds you will have to follow the same application procedure using Advantage Multi 88. Pets whose weight ranges from 88.1 pounds to 110 pounds require Advantage 110 or a combination of two formulas, as directed by the vet.

Tips for Pet Owners

  • Apply the medication once a month, after carefully following the instructions listed on the package.

  • Make sure the dog doesn’t lick the medication after it has been applied. Keep an eye on him for at least 30 minutes after you apply the solution.

  • Wear gloves while applying the medication and wash your hands thoroughly after use.

  • Other animals living in the same household shouldn’t lick off the medication that has been applied to your pet’s body so make sure they’re confined to other areas of your home.

Precautions When Using Advantage Multi

Advantage Multi may not be ideal for use on dogs that are pregnant or lactating. If you wish to use your dog for breeding purposes, keep the vet informed about the same. The medication is also known to cause hypersensitivity in some pets. So if your dog has had a reaction to drugs that contained imidacloprid or moxidectin, you may have to use another medication in place of Advantage Multi.

Advantage Multi Side Effects

Some dogs may suffer from:

  • skin irritation at the application site
  • loss of appetite
  • behavior changes
  • restlessness
  • vomiting
  • seizures
  • hives
  • diarrhea

If these symptoms develop you must conduct a vet check as soon as possible. There are several other side effects that could develop apart from those mentioned here. If you notice anything unusual, discuss it with the vet in order to safeguard your pet’s life.

While medications like Advantage Multi effectively control parasite infections, they shouldn’t be used as a long term solution. Look for alternative ways to prevent parasite infections from affecting your pet or administer herbal remedies that are a safer option.

