Antibiotic Treatment for Runny Eyes in Cats with Tetracycline

If your pet cat has runny eyes as a result of some type of bacterial infection, there are a number of warning signs that you'll have as to the nature of his condition. It's likely that there will be many other symptoms that show as well. Bacterial infections of the sinuses and the eyes, as well as other parts of your cat's body too, can all have an affect on him which results in runny eyes.

It's not uncommon to see discharge from the eyes if your cat has another type of infection entirely. Fortunately, an antibiotic drug called tetracycline is a great way to help reduce the instances of runny eyes in pets suffering from bacterial infections.

Tetracycline Overview

Tetracycline is a type of drug known as an antibiotic. Antibiotics are medicines that will work to counter infections by targeting the harmful bacteria that cause these conditions. They are not useful against viruses or other types of medical conditions. As with other types of antibiotics, it's important that you provide your cat with the full run of the tetracycline dose. If you do not, the bacteria may not have been fully eliminated from his system, and it may have developed a resistance to that antibiotic, making it more difficult to eliminate it through similar means in the future.

Tetracycline works to limit the synthesis of proteins in certain types of bacteria. This makes them weaker and, in turn, much easier for the white blood cells of your cat's immune system to eliminate.

Using Tetracycline For Your Cat

Tetracycline is fully registered for use in pets. However, you'll need to receive a veterinary prescription in order to make use of it. Therefore, have your vet look at your cat if you notice that he has runny eyes or any other potential symptoms of an infection of some kind. Your vet can then prescribe tetracycline. It's important that you follow your vet's dosage instructions. The exact amount of tetracycline that your pet will need is based upon his weight, age, overall health and other factors. Typically, the tablet form of tetracycline should be ground up in his food at mealtime.

Tetracycline Side Effects

Some of the common side effects of tetracycline use in pets include:

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite

If you notice these or any other symptoms, take your pet in to the vet for immediate inspection. Do not give tetracycline to pregnant cats or to kittens younger than 6 months in age.

It's also important that you notify your vet of any and all other medicines that your cat may be taking at the time that he is set to begin his tetracycline regimen. This is due to the fact that tetracycline may interact negatively with certain other types of medicines in your pet's system, thereby increasing the risk of adverse reactions. Extended use of tetracycline is also discouraged, as it can lead to long term organ damage.

