The Benefits of Insulated Dog Houses

Insulated dog houses offer your dog the maximum amount of protection from the elements, including outside temperature changes. Insulated dog houses keep your dog safe from heat as well as cold and come in a variety of designs and sizes to meet your tastes and needs. Insulated dog houses are affordable and durable; they also help to protect your dog's health.

Insulated Dog Houses Protect Your Dog from the Elements

Insulated dog houses protect your dog from extremes of weather and changes in temperature. Whether it's hot or cold outside, insulation can help keep the temperature inside your dog's house constant and comfortable. Since extremes of hot and cold can be dangerous for your dog, insulated dog houses help protect his health.

Insulated dog houses also help protect your dog from rain and snow. Exposure to these elements weakens your dog's immune system and makes him more susceptible to illness, so giving him the shelter of an insulated dog house can protect him from infection.

Insulated Dog Houses Are Stylish and Practical

Insulated dog houses are generally made out of cedar wood, an attractive wood that comes at an affordable price. Insulated dog houses are also made out of other types of affordable wood, but cedar wood insulated houses are most common.

Insulated dog houses also come in a range of attractive styles and sizes to suit your needs. Your dog's house shouldn't be too big; if it's much bigger than he is, the insular effects will be wasted. Your dog's house should be just big enough for him to stand up, turn around and lie down in.

Insulated dog houses can also save on energy bills if you choose to install heating and air conditioning in your dog's house. For those who live in extreme weather environments, heated and air conditioned dog houses are a safe, practical choice for a pet dog's comfort and good health. If you're considering installing heating and air conditioning in an insulated dog house, look for a house that's got a high R-value. The R-value is a number assigned based on the effectiveness of the dog house's insulation; a house with a high R-value has more effective insulation.

Insulation and Heat Transfer

No matter how well insulated your dog's house, some amount of heat transfer and loss will occur. Heat transfer occurs in three different ways, either by conduction, convection or radiation. Conduction occurs when heat travels through objects; convection occurs when heat travels through air or water; and radiation occurs when heat travels through light (sunlight or candlelight are examples of radiation heat transfer). A good insulated dog house diminishes all three methods of heat transfer and loss to keep your dog comfortable in cold weather.

Insulated Dog Houses Are Useful All Year Round

Insulated dog houses don't just keep your dog warm in the winter. They can also help keep him cool in the summer by reflecting the heat of the sun.

