What Is the Best Allergy Treatment for Dogs?

Allergy treatments for dogs include shampoos, a change in diet, avoidance, medication or allergy shots. Deciding on the best allergy treatment depends on the type of allergy and on how the dog reacts to it.


Avoidance is the most effective treatment for dogs with allergies. Identifying the allergens and keeping the dog away from these will guarantee that the dog will no longer experience symptoms such as itching, dermatitis, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes or hair loss.

The identification of allergens may be a lengthy process and some allergens, such as pollens, cannot be avoided.

However, this method works well in food allergies. A modification in diet and the avoidance of the culprit ingredients will make sure that the dog will have no more allergy symptoms.


Allergy hampoos can relieve the itchiness caused by allergens. Opt for hypoallergenic shampoos or shampoos that contain hydrocortisone. Use these shampoos whenever you bathe your dog. Other options include powders or sprays

Diet Supplements

A dog with allergies should have a special diet that will ensure that he has fewer negative reactions.

Supplements of fatty acids are effective in reducing allergy symptoms. Omega 3 fatty acids help in the health of the skin and coat, and will reduce the effect of histamines that are produced in allergic dogs.

Add some B vitamins such as Biotin for better results.

The addition of fatty acids will show improvements only after a few weeks or months. Some dogs will be completely cured, while others may show no signs of improvement.

A low fat diet is also recommended for allergic dogs.


The medication offered for allergic dogs can be either steroids or antihistamines.

There are several types of antihistamines and trials must be performed, as some work on some dogs and are ineffective in others. Antihistamines are recommended in addition to avoidance and diet supplements.

Steroids can also be prescribed. These will be effective in the majority of cases, but a long term treatment may have several side effects such as irritability, personality changes, lethargy, nausea and digestive problems.


Immunization or allergy shot therapy has proven to have the most positive responses in dogs with allergies. After immunization, dogs may get rid of allergies for good and need only a booster injection every 6 months.

The therapy is a long process, starting with the identification of the allergens. The shots will be prepared using low amounts of allergens. These are injected periodically, and more frequently at first. The dosage of the allergen will be increased as the dog starts to build up immunity. After 6 to 12 months, the dog may be allergy free.

In about 25% of cases, the immunization therapy does not work, so other options should be considered.

If your dog suffers from allergies, you need to talk with your vet and consider a few options. The vet may try several treatments on your dog, until finding one that will work in the long run. The best allergy treatment is the one that works for your dog.

