Canine Medications for Thyroid Problems

The canine thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating the production of hormones that control growth and metabolism. Problems with the thyroid gland can have widespread repercussions on other body systems, and canine medications may be necessary for treatment.

The Primary Symptoms of Canine Thyroid Disease

Knowing the common symptoms of thyroid disease will help you to treat your dog in the most efficient way possible. The primary symptoms include:

  • Lethargy or resistance to movement
  • Weight gain
  • Frailty or weakness
  • Loss of mental acuity
  • Personality change

If your dog displays any of these symptoms for an extended period of time (more than a couple of days), make an appointment with a veterinarian. Your vet may administer a thyroid test, which requires a blood sample, in order to properly diagnose thyroid disease. Veterinarians may also recommend one of several dog medications used to regulate thyroid hormones, as these medications carry no side effects and may be the most effective way to diagnose problems of the thyroid.

Veterinary Medications for Canine Thyroid Disease

Treatment for thyroid problems generally consists of a combination of hormone supplements. These pet medications help your dog's body to perform a variety of necessary functions as normal, even if the thyroid gland is unable to regulate hormone production as it should.

Levothyroxine is the primary hormone supplement prescribed for dogs with thyroid conditions, although some dogs may also require triiodothyronine. Canine thyroid medications are typically given twice per day, although exact dosage and regimen will depend upon your dog's age, weight and the severity of his condition.

There are a variety of medications containing these hormone supplements, appearing in a variety of forms and from different pharmaceutical manufacturers. Soloxine and other brand name thyroid medications tend to be more expensive than generic versions, although there is virtually no difference in quality.

Recently, several companies have developed chewable thyroid medicines for dogs. These medications may have slightly different dosages and schedules, and may be more convenient for some pets and their owners.

If your dog has a condition of the thyroid that requires medicinal treatment, consult your veterinarian for a recommendation of the right drug and treatment plan for you. Because there are a variety of drugs to treat canine thyroid disease, you should be able to find one that suits your dog's condition and personality as well as your schedule and pocketbook. With proper treatment, dogs with thyroid conditions may enjoy long and healthy lives.

