Capstar Flea Control for Dogs

Capstar flea control is a medication that’s ideal for use on both dogs and cats. It’s effective in killing fleas but has no effect on ticks. If your pet is suffering from a flea infection, he may be at risk of developing several other conditions like tapeworm infections, flea allergy dermatitis and other infectious diseases. In order to protect your pet from these harmful conditions, it’s best to use medications like Capstar.

How Does Capstar Work?

Capstar contains the active ingredient Nitenpyram which has insecticidal properties. This active ingredient is metabolized by the body and acts on the nervous system of fleas. The medication is known to destroy nearly 90 percent of fleas that exist on the dog’s body within a few hours. Although Capstar is effective when it’s administered exactly according to the instructions listed on the package, it can also be combined with other medications like Program to treat and control severe flea infections.

Dosage and Administration of Capstar

The medication is available in tablet form and should be administered orally to the pet. It’s important to read dosage instructions that are listed on the package because the tablets are available in varying potencies. Capstar shouldn’t be given to pets that are under 4 weeks of age. Dogs that meet the minimum age requirement should be given one 11.4 mg tablet orally, provided that their weight falls between 2 and 25 pounds.  

Dogs weighing between 25 and 125 pounds need to given one 57 mg tablet orally. Pets that weigh above 125 pounds may require a combination of two or more drugs. However, since combination doses often lead to severe side effects, it’s best to find out from the vet, which doses can be paired up for proper flea control and treatment.

The proper dose should be checked with your pet's vet to avoid problems involved with unique health sensitivities.

Precautions When Using Capstar for Dogs

Although the manufacturer deems it safe to re-dose the pet once a day if required, it’s important to discuss this matter with the vet. If the flea infection is severe, the vet may prescribe another medication instead of Capstar. This will prevent you from giving your dog a daily dose of flea control medication.

Even though Capstar is available over the counter (OTC), you need to exert caution when you give your pet any OTC drugs. If your dog is taking any other prescription medications, the active ingredient present in Capstar may cause a drug interaction. It’s therefore best to avoid giving your pet OTC drugs without first obtaining your vet’s approval.

Dos and Don’ts for Pet Owners:

  • Do groom your dog on a daily basis and check his coat for fleas.
  • Don’t let your dog roam outdoors especially amidst grass and trees.
  • Don’t overdose your pet as it could lead to severe side-effects and even death.
  • Do consider treating your home and outdoor areas for fleas so that you prevent recurring infections.

As a pet owner you need to make sure you keep your house in pristine condition so that it doesn’t become a breeding ground for germs. Also bathe your pet with hypoallergenic shampoos that soothe the skin and prevent skin outbreaks or irritation.

