What Is the Best Cat Constipation Remedy?

Cat constipation remedy should contain a balanced diet and some laxatives. Cat constipation occurs in sedentary cats, due to lack of activity and may also be caused by stress, fur balls, untidy litter box, a diet poor in fibers or certain foods. Usually, a cat defecates once or twice per day and once every two days if he's on a low residue diet. If the cat fails to defecate on a regular basis, this points to constipation. There are several treatment options. Some may be administrated at home, while some need a visit to the vet. Be cautious when administering popular cat constipation treatment drugs, as some might have severe side effects.

Cat Laxative

A vet can prescribe a good laxative according to the severity of your cat's condition. Laxatone is a well known laxative for feline constipation.

Medicinal paraffin is an efficient laxative, but be careful to follow the vet's prescriptions, otherwise it may cause diarrhea.

Canned pumpkin is a natural laxative that may be used as a home remedy.

Propulsid or Cisapride

Propulsid, also known as cisapride, is a gastroprokinetic agent and may be used as a cat constipation remedy. However, the drug includes severe side effects such as: cardiac arrhythmias and kidney disease. It is not recommended for cats with a heart condition or kidney disease. Propulsid has been removed from the market due to the side effects.

Zantac or Ranitidine

Zantac is the brand name for ranitidine, which reduces the amount of acids secreted by the stomach and it's used to treat ulcers and GERD. However, it may also be prescribed as a cat constipation treatment.

Zantac is not recommended for cats with liver disease, kidney disease or porphyria.

Axid or Nizatidine

Nizatidine or axid is mainly used to inhibit acid production in the stomach and is an efficient treatment in ulcers and GERD. It is similar to ranitidine, and may be used in feline constipation also.

Wet Food and High Fiber Diet

If your cat is constipated, you should immediately switch to wet food. Light tuna flakes with abundant oil can be a beneficial laxative to treat feline constipation. The diet should also be rich in fibers. You may opt for fiber supplements for a successful treatment.

Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil stimulates bowel movement and can be a natural cat constipation treatment. The constipation occurs when feces are not passed for too long and the bowel absorbs the moisture of the feces, causing these to be dry and difficult to pass. The vegetable oil can help turn the feces more liquid. Administrate 5 to 10 drops of vegetable oil to your cat.


Cat constipation can be relieved by administering an enema. This is the injection of a fluid in the cat's rectum. The enema helps bowel movement and is a highly effective cleanser. The cat should be given a sedative before he gets the enema - which is a painful injection.

If your cat suffers from chronic constipation, it is necessary to see a vet. The constipation may be caused by a more severe condition such as a tumor, intestinal occlusion or megacolon. The cat will be examined and will need a biopsy or colonoscopy.

