Why Cat Flea Shampoo Products May Be Unnecessary

Many products for cats and kittens are sold to help combat these little insects, such as cat flea shampoo, but these items may not be necessary to help your cat find relief.

How Cats Get Fleas

Fleas can latch on to a cat when he's outside, or if another animal or person brings fleas inside.

The Affects of Flea Shampoos on Cats

Program flea cat shampoos contain toxins, insecticides, and neurotoxins to kill the fleas. The toxins in the flea shampoos may weaken a cat's immune system over time. At the same time, fleas are building up more resistances against the toxins in the flea shampoos with every new generation. If one also uses drops to help kill fleas along with flea shampoo, a cat will be getting several doses of toxins over a short period of time.

Flea shampoo products may also be unnecessary if a cat does not have fleas. Kitten fleas should not be treated with a flea shampoo if the cat is less than 8 to 12 weeks old. Talk to your vet about the best treatment method for kittens with fleas.

The use of flea shampoos can dry a cat's skin and fur, causing irritation, itchiness, or an allergic reaction. Most cats do not really need a bath with water and shampoo unless they have gotten particularly dirty.

Alternatives to Cat Flea Shampoo

Flea shampoos are unnecessary because of the variety of alternatives one can purchase today.

A healthy diet can go a long way towards fighting-off fleas. An unhealthy cat is more likely to attract more fleas than a healthy cat. A weaker cat is easier prey for fleas. Herbal supplements and mixes, blended in with a cat's food, can also help a cat emit a smell that will deter fleas. Supplements that have produced good results include brewer's yeast, garlic, B vitamins and minerals.

Vacuuming all carpets, daily grooming and regular cleaning and washing of pet bedding will also help keep fleas at bay.

Many natural flea preventative and combative products for cats are becoming more available today. These products will not harm the cat or the environment, but will take care of fleas and their eggs. Lavender and eucalyptus oils can be dabbed on a cat as a flea repellant, for example. Regular cat shampoos that are not meant to kill fleas can treat fleas when one adds essential oils to the shampoo.

The best flea control is flea prevention. Taking steps to ensure fleas do not become a problem in your home before they arrive can be more effective than any cat flea shampoo available.

