Cat Urine Stain Removal

Cats are territorial animals, and it is common for a cat to mark his domain by spraying urine. A potent cat urine stain remover is necessary in these situations. While many domesticated cats learn to avoid this behavior, other pets continue to spray throughout their lives. In other cases, aging cats or cats affected by some underlying health condition can lose control of their bladders. Whatever the case, if you own a cat, it's beneficial to be aware of the various methods of removing a stain caused by cat urine.

The manner of removing the stain and odor of cat urine from your home depends upon the surface and material. Read on for a guide to removing cat urine stains and scents from some of the most common surfaces in your house.

Removing Cat Urine Stains from Upholstery

To remove a cat urine stain from upholstery, act quickly after the cat sprays. Begin by absorbing the stain before it soaks into the material. Paper towels are good for this task.

Having blotted the stain, use additional paper towels or a sponge soaked in cold water to gently wipe the stain. Don't press too hard into the surface, as this can serve to rub the urine into the material. Having done this, blot the water with a fresh set of paper towels.

While this cleans up much of the surface stain, the urine can leave a lasting smell and stain if left at this point. To completely address the issue, dab the stain with a mixture of warm water and white vinegar. This helps to prevent the stain from setting and to remove the scent as well. Finally, spray the surface with a stain and odor remover, and clean according to the product’s instructions.

Removing Cat Urine Stains from Carpet

If your pet soils the carpet, a quick response is vital for preventing staining and odor. While upholstery is somewhat easier to clean after the stain has set, it may be nearly impossible to remove the smell and discoloration caused by cat urine on carpet once it's dried.

Begin by setting paper towels on the affected areas. Pour a generous amount of hydrogen peroxide over the paper towels and scrub the carpet thoroughly. The hydrogen peroxide must soak for 45 to 60 minutes, so allow it to set for about an hour.

Lay a hand towel or other cotton towel over the hydrogen peroxide and apply pressure to it. This helps to absorb the hydrogen peroxide from the carpet. The final step, once the carpet has dried completely, is to vacuum over the affected area.

While these steps help to treat cat urine stains and odors before they have completely set, you may find that they are insufficient to remove stains that have dried. In these cases, stronger chemical cleaners may be helpful. Visit a cleaning supply or pet store to learn more about these cleaning options.

