Chronic Canine Skin Disorders: The 6 Most Frequently Diagnosed

Canine skin disorders are among the most common ailments affecting dogs. They are often closely linked with diet and environmental factors, or are caused by autoimmune disorders. Here are six of the most commonly diagnosed canine skin disorders.

Grass and Other Environmental Skin Problems

Dogs with environmental dermatitis are otherwise normal and healthy, and suffer no allergies, but are sensitive to objects in the environment, such as grass, plastic or metal.

Infectious Dermatitis

Infectious dermatitis is caused by bacterial or yeast infections of the skin.

Skin Disorders Due To Poor Nutrition

Nutritional dermatitis occurs when a dog suffers from chronic poor nutrition. This is common, as many commercial dog foods don't contain the right balance of nutrition.

Parasitic Dermatitis

Parasitic dermatitis is otherwise known as mange. Mange is caused by demodex or sarcoptic mites and, depending on the type, can be more or less difficult to treat.

Skin Problems Caused By Allergies

Allergic dermatitis can manifest as part of your dog's reaction to allergens in his environment. Treatment of allergic dermatitis involves treatment of the underlying allergy, and can be complicated.

Neurogenic Dermatitis

Neurogenic dermatitis occurs when your dog compulsively licks, chews and bites at his skin. The causes of neurogenic dermatitis are usually psychological.

