Treating Canine Inflammation and Chronic Pain With Norocarp

Norocarp is a kind of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug prescribed for dogs suffering from chronic pain or inflammation. A brand name of the NSAID Carprofen, Norocarp is frequently used to treat the uncomfortable symptoms associated with degenerative joint disorders like canine osteoarthritis. This progressive disease is caused by a loss of cartilage in the joints and can lead to stiffness, swelling and limited mobility. It is most common among older and breed-specific dogs, however, obesity and certain illness and injury can also contribute to the condition. Norocap is also commonly prescribed to treat soreness and inflammation due to surgery or dental procedures. Here is a summary of how this medication combats swelling and chronic pain, along with information on its potential risks and side effects.

How Norocarp Works

Like other kinds of NSAIDs, Norocarp works by blocking enzymes and chemicals that signal pain in parts of the body impacted by trauma or illness. When a dog has arthritis-related cartilage deterioration or undergoes surgery, his immune system releases the substance cyclooxygenase (COX). This enzyme then creates infection-fighting prostaglandins through a process that generates pain and swelling in the affected animal. As the prostaglandins battle infections, a dog may experience additional soreness, inflammation or fever. Although such symptoms are natural immunological responses, they can contribute to long-term discomfort, lethargy and impaired movement, particularly in dogs with osteoarthritis. Pain and inflammation can also make it difficult for a an animal to recover from surgery or dental procedures. By reducing these common problems, Norocarp can help dogs enjoy more comfortable and active lives.

Norocarp Details and Side Effects

Norocarp, a brand name of the NSAID Carprofen, is manufactured by Norbrook Laboratories Ltd. and marketed primarily in the United Kingdom and Australia. In the United States, Carprofen is commonly sold under the names Rimadyl, from Pfizer Animal Health, and Novox, from Vedco. Norocarp tablets are circular, white or off-white in color and available in 20 mg and 50 mg doses. The drug is also available in injectable form under the product name Norocarp Small Animal Injection. Your veterinarian will prescribe the proper dosage of Norocarp tablets or injections for your dog.

Norocarp is generally well tolerated by dogs, however, reported side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, reduced appetite, increase or decrease in water intake, weakness, yellowing skin or eyes-indicating jaundice and a lack of coordination. Norocarp has also been associated with serious but rare complications such as liver toxicity. Dogs taking the medication for extended periods may need to receive regular blood tests to screen for such toxic reactions. Norocarp is also not intended for dogs with allergies to Carprofen, aspirin, or other NSAIDs. It should also be avoided by dogs that are currently taking steroids, since this combination may increase the risk of stomach ulcers.

Seeing your dog suffer the effects of chronic pain and inflammation can be difficult and stressful. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug like Norocarp may offer an effective treatment for your pet's condition. Learning more about this widely used medication can help you make the best decision on how to treat your dog's soreness and swelling.

