Common Questions About Dog Spaying

Dog spaying is the surgical procedure that involves the removal of the uterus and the ovaries. The medical term used for spaying is ovariohysterectomy. Spaying refers only to the procedure of sterilization of a female dog.

A female dog has her first heat cycle when she is 6 to 9 months old. The heat cycle occurs twice per year, and this is when the dog can get pregnant. Spaying can prevent pregnancies.

What's the Best Time for Spaying?

Spaying is recommended at any age of your dog. However, the best time for the procedure is before your dog has her first heat cycle. This will make the procedure less complicated.

It's not recommended to spay the dog while she is in heat or pregnant. The procedure may lead to complications.

How Long Does Surgery Take?

Spaying surgery is an uncomplicated procedure. The vet will make an incision and remove the uterus and the ovaries. In the least complicated case, prior to the dog's first heat cycle, the procedure takes up to 30 minutes.

Are There Sterilization Surgery Complications?

Sterilization may have complications including infections or hemorrhage. The anesthesia may create complications, especially if the dog is older or has a medical condition.

The dog may experience recurrent heat cycles if the ovaries are not properly removed.

How Do I Care for the Dog Post-Surgery?

The dog will be released from the vet hospital on the day of the surgery. She will feel no discomfort and can put up with the pain. However, she should be less active for the following 2 weeks. Make sure she doesn't lick the wound and check the wound to make sure it's not red or swollen.

What Behavioral Changes Can I Expect?

Spaying will change your dog's behavior. She will be friendlier and less active. You will no longer have to put up with the behavior changes related to the heat cycles. Dogs with aggressive and dominant behavior may also become more quiet and obedient.

What Are the Spaying Health Benefits?

After the removal of the ovaries and the uterus, your dog will not be able to have any more litters and she will not have heat cycles. She won't be at high risk for reproductive system or mammary cancers and uterine infections.

What Are the Drawbacks of Sterilization?

Spayed dogs are prone to joint problems, cancers and thyroid disease. A sterilized dog is more likely to suffer from bladder incontinence.

What is Spaying through Laser Surgery?

Spaying may be performed with a laser beam as well. The surgery is faster, less painful and the bleeding is minimal. However, the surgery wounds will take longer to heal.

What is the Spayed Dog's Diet?

There is no special diet recommended for spayed dogs. However, your pet is susceptible to weight gain, so you will have to take care of her diet to prevent other health complications related to heart conditions or joint problems. Feed her 1/3 of the amount of food you used to feed her, and make sure she gets some exercise. Remember that spaying alone doesn't make your dog fat.

What Are the Dog Sterilization Surgery Costs?

A dog sterilization procedure should cost $100 to $150. Laser surgery spaying procedures may cost more, because the equipment is pricier.

