Your Coughing Dog

A coughing dog can mean a number of things. Sometimes dogs cough simply because they drank water too quickly. Other times a dog may cough due to a more serious illness. Trying to determine the cause of your dog's cough is the first step towards administering home remedies. Type of Cough If your dog is new to your home, you may discover that your dog coughs a lot. This type of cough is often referred to as "kennel cough," and it can be caused from time spent inside of a shelter or kennel. Alternately, dogs that begin coughing for no reason might have a respiratory infection. In both cases, certain remedies exist. Coughing Dog Remedies A coughing dog will need some extra attention. This begins with minimizing the amount of exercise that your dogs gets until the cough lessens. It is also a good idea to give your dog some form of soft food that is easy to swallow and digest. Lastly, make sure that your dog has plenty of fresh water (make sure to change your dog's water 3-4 times per day).

