Cystitis Symptoms in Dogs

Cystitis, also known as a bladder infection, is a condition that can affect canines of all ages. It more frequently affects females. The cystitis symptoms can vary but will mainly involve the cat's urinary habits. Monitoring your pet's urination behavior, the frequency of urination and the color of the urine can help you detect cystitis in a timely manner and put an end to the pain caused by the infection.

Blood in the Urine

A dog with cystitis may often have blood in the urine. The blood may be clearly visible, or the color of the urine may be slightly pink depending on how severe the infection is.

Inappropriate Urination

A dog with a bladder infection will often urinate in the house in inappropriate places. This is due to the fact that the dog will not be able to withhold the urine due to pain.

Straining to Urinate

Due to the painful urination, the dog will often strain to urinate and may even whine when urinating. The urination may also be more frequent, but in smaller amounts.

Increased Thirst

The dog may experience increased thirst as he tries to flush out the bacteria causing the infection. Drinking more water is beneficial for a bladder infection and can speed up the recovery. You should make sure that the water bowl is always full and the water should be clean and fresh, otherwise the dog will drink other potential infectious agents.


Due to the bladder infection, the dog may experience vaginal or penile discharges, which may be transparent or thicker and colored, depending on the source of the infection. The bladder infection may be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi, but most frequently by bacteria. Bacteria will cause yellowish discharges.

No Symptoms

Some dogs may never show any symptoms or will have very subtle symptoms that are difficult to notice, so the infection may be detected while performing a routine test.

Unusual Behavior

A dog affected by a bladder infection will show unusual behavior due to pain. He may be more lethargic or turn aggressive when not left alone. The dog may not tolerate being patted and is not as likely to get involved in activities he usually enjoys.

Treatment of Cystitis

Cystitis can be detected by performing a few tests, including a complete blood count, a urinalysis and an abdominal radiograph. According to the findings, the vet will prescribe a suitable treatment. Typically, bladder infections that are not caused by an underlying disease will be treated with antibiotics.

If there is an underlying disease causing cystitis, this will have to be treated. Surgery may be needed if the dog has a bladder tumor or stones that need to be removed.

The vet will also recommend a change in diet, which can speed up the recovery. The administration of fluids is important, as these will flush out the infectious agents.

