Diet Tips for Preventing Constipation in Dogs

The best way of preventing constipation is through the administration of a suitable diet. Dogs may often be constipated due to an inadequate diet, a diet that is too dry or doesn't contain sufficient amounts of fibers. There are a few diet tips that may be helpful in preventing or relieving constipation. However, if the dog has a more serious underlying condition that causes chronic constipation, a change in diet is not enough to solve the problem.

Fiber Rich Diet

Fibers are essential for the dog's digestion process. A diet that is poor in fibers and rich in fats or proteins may be the cause of constipation. Introduce a few sources of fibers such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains or canned pumpkin, which will improve the digestion and prevent constipation. You may use the fruits and vegetables as treats. Opt for fruits and vegetables with a rougher texture, which can have dental benefits as well. Avoid dry fruits and vegetables, which can cause constipation.

Wet Food

If your pet is prone to constipation, you may consider feeding him wet food. Kibble food can contain a lot of artificial ingredients that can be the cause of constipation, and there are also commercial foods that don't contain a sufficient amount of fibers to help digestion. Wet food can stimulate the digestion process and in the long run, it may also prevent kidney damage. You may alternate dry food with wet food if you want to keep your pet's teeth healthy, as the kibble food removes plaque and food residue.

Yogurt or Olive Oil

Introducing yogurt in your pet's diet can be beneficial in preventing constipation. Yogurt contains probiotics, which are great digestive aids for canines. Opt for yogurts that contain live cultures. If your pet is allergic to dairy products, you should avoid yogurt. Instead you may add a tablespoon of olive oil to the dog's regular food.


Water is an essential component in the dog's diet, keeping him hydrated and maintaining healthy skin. If the dog doesn't drink sufficient amounts of water, he may be constipated. Don't forget to change the water at least once per day. You may add some freshly squeezed lemon in the dog's drinking water, which can promote a healthy digestion. Test whether your dog gets sufficient water by pinching his skin. If the skin gets back to its normal flatness within three seconds after the pinch, the dog is normally hydrated. If the skin takes longer to flatten, the dog is dehydrated.


If your dog displays constipation and this is not due to a recent change in diet, it may be a sign he has an underlying condition. In this case, a supplementation of fibers or probiotics will only bring temporary relief. The dog needs a veterinary consultation, so that proper treatment is administered. Chronic constipation can be dangerous for the dog's overall health, so make sure you monitor your pet and get help when necessary.

