Dog Fever Treatment

Dog fever is something that requires immediate treatment. The normal temperature of a dog ranges from 101 degrees to 103 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the normal response of the body to fight the presence of an infection or foreign invader. The problem is that when the fever in your dog exceeds acceptable levels, above 105 degrees Fahrenheit, it can cause damage to vital organs and even cause your dog to go into shock. This is why a fever needs to be treated as soon as it is recognized.

Signs of Fever

Detecting the presence of a fever in your dog can be difficult without the use of a rectal thermometer. Even with a rectal thermometer, it can sometimes be difficult for your dog to sit for you while you perform this invasive procedure. You may be better served to observe the signs before attempting to take your dog's temperature.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, it should be cause for concern and should be followed up by taking your dog's temperature rectally for confirmation:

  • General fatigue
  • Sleeping more than usual
  • Lack of interest in normal activities
  • Lack of interest in eating or drinking

Treating a Fever at Home

If you have taken your dog's temperature rectally, and it does not warrant a visit to the veterinarian, you may want to try to bring the fever down naturally at home.

You can start by bathing your dog in a cool bath. It is important to make sure that the water is not too cool or ice cold. This can cause your dog to go into a state of shock when he has a high fever and will most likely cause him to be chilled after he exits the bath.

The next thing you need to do is make sure that your dog is drinking plenty of water. Because he has a fever, he will naturally not have the desire to eat or drink. But your dog can go much further without food than he can without water. If your dog is not drinking enough water while he has a fever, it can lead to dehydration which can lead to other, more serious, complications.

Treating a Fever with Medication

If you have taken your dog's temperature and it is exceeding a level of 104 degrees Fahrenheit, you need to seek medical attention immediately. At this point, the high level of body temperature can cause the failure of critical organs, such as the heart, kidneys and lungs.

In most cases, the fever will need to be brought down before any testing can be performed to determine the cause of the condition. Most commonly, your dog will be prescribed a medication, such as Ketoprofen, to bring the fever down.

You should also keep in mind that your dog will probably be kept in the veterinarian's office to monitor the condition of the fever. If the fever does not come down with the use of medication, there may be more invasive methods required.

