Dog Throws Up Yellow Foam

Most dogs will occasionally vomit. There are many reasons as to why a dog throws up yellow foam. If a dog only vomits once in a while, there is probably no reason to be alarmed. 

A variety of reasons can cause acute (short-term) vomiting in dogs. 

Bile build-up in stomach is characterized by:

  • too many hours between feedings
  • dog may salivate shortly before meal 

Excess bile can cause an upset stomach. Feeding once in the morning and again in the evening may help prevent this type of vomiting. 

Eating Grass

Grass is indigestible and many dogs eat grass to force themselves to vomit. 

Strenuous Exercise

Vomiting can be caused by drinking too much water or eating immediately after exercise. Limit water intake and do not offer food, until the dog has cooled down. 

Eating Spoiled Food or Garbage

Dogs are tempted by their highly developed sense of smell. It is not unusual for a dog to eat garbage. Using a garbage bin with a lid or preventing access to areas where uncollected garbage is stored will prevent your dog from ingesting items that may have spoiled. 

Eating Excess Amounts of Hair during Grooming

Dogs have a tendency to lick while grooming. At times, the ingestion of hair can cause an upset stomach. The condition is usually resolved after the dog has expelled the hair. 

Motion sickness is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • vomiting occurs while dog is traveling
  • vomit looks pale white to yellowish
  • vomit is foamy looking and may be noticed around the mouth 

Dramamine administered 30 minutes before travel can alleviate motion sickness. Dramamine may make your dog sleepy, but certainly more comfortable. 


During warm or hot weather, you should not leave your dog in a parked car. Outdoors, dogs should have adequate shelter from the sun and heat. Dogs may also suffer heat stroke if they are strenuously exercising during high temperatures. 

Symptoms of heatstroke include: 

  • elevated body temperature
  • vomiting
  • seizures 

Cool your dog down with cool compresses and keep out of the heat. If symptoms do not subside, seek medical attention.

Repeated vomiting could indicate an underlying condition or disease. It could also put the dog at risk of dehydration. A dog suffering from prolonged vomiting, diarrhea or pain needs immediate medical care. 

Inner Ear Infections and Disorders

The inner ear controls balance in dogs, as well as humans. Infections and disorders of the inner ear often produce a feeling of dizziness and sensations of swirling around in mid-air. This can cause vomiting. 


A young dog that has not been treated for round worms may vomit yellowish foam. Extreme infestations irritate the stomach lining. Round worms may or may not be present in the vomit. 

Dogs of all ages can suffer infestations of tape worms. These parasites also irritate the stomach and cause vomiting. The tape worm segments may or may not be present in the expelled vomit. 

Liver Disease

Along with yellowish vomit, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • the white part of the eyes appear yellow
  • gums have a yellow tint

These are symptoms of jaundice, caused by a malfunctioning liver. 

Vomiting may be caused by many conditions. Consult with your veterinarian if vomiting does not stop or if it is accompanied by diarrhea, pain or fever.

