Why Your Dogs Love Riding in the Car

Just about everyone knows that many dogs love riding in the car, but few people question why.

The Car As the Pack's Territory

There are a number of reasons why dogs enjoy vehicle transport. Though it isn't accurate to say dogs feel hip or successful riding in a trendy, stylish car, the dogs do, in a sense, have a natural, instinctive understanding of the importance of what the car represents to the "pack" (the dog's family-hierarchy), and his Master's status.

Sights, Smells, Sounds and a Purpose

So the dog knows the car is significant, but there are a lot of things the dog will like about the car, such as:

  • The car presents familiar smells and sounds. Usually there's a spot in the car that the dog has made his or her "own place".
  • It's a mobile "den"; the enclosed shape provides a sense of security.
  • He can be "on-watch" for his "Master". Dogs like to have a duty to perform, something to protect.
  • Changing scenery always gives him something new to look at.
  • The dog knows that you (the head of the pack) will come back, as he remembers you always return to the car.
  • The dog knows and feels like he is, physically, part of that pack when contained in the car. Dogs are pack-oriented and you, as the master, are the dog's focus. You can be seen at all times and when you are away from the car, the dog is assigned a purpose.
