How Effective is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for Feline UTI Treatment?

Apple cider vinegar provides relief to a cat with feline UTI. It's important to have your cat's urinary tract infection diagnosed by a veterinarian to try to determine the cause. Many urinary tract infections are caused by an excessive amount of bacteria in the urinary system. If this is the case with your cat, the holistic vinegar treatment can help.

Signs of Feline UTI

When a cat develops a UTI, you'll see him going to the litter box frequently but urinating very little, usually only drops. Some cats also urinate outside their litter box and you may notice it is pink from blood.

Another sign that a cat has a UTI is the lack of appetite or refusal to drink. Cats with a UTI tend to be very lethargic. Some cats will seek a cool spot, like a sink or bathtub, and not want to move. If you suspect feline UTI, treatment is critical. It doesn't take long for bacteria to reach the kidneys, leading to serious problems and even death.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Feline UTI?

In a study performed by a holistic website, 43 cat owners were polled. All of them had cats displaying the signs of a urinary tract infection. Of those 43 people, 41 reported their cat's health improved to the point of being back to normal. One found no marked improvement and the final pet owner said the cat was improved but not fully treated.

The Purpose of Apple Cider Vinegar

The acidic nature of apple cider vinegar makes it hard for bacteria to flourish. In addition to helping cats overcome bouts of feline UTI, apple cider vinegar also helps:

  • Add shine to the pet's coat
  • Relieve joint swelling and pain from arthritis
  • Ward off biting insects

Using Apple Cider to Treat Feline UTI

Many pet owners find that adding apple cider vinegar to their cat's water helps keep the bacteria at bay. Getting your pet to ingest the apple cider is often difficult, especially when most holistic veterinarians recommend a dosage of ¼ teaspoon twice a day.

It may help to mix the apple cider vinegar into some canned food. If this doesn't work, mix the vinegar with filtered water and use a syringe or eye dropper to squirt it into your cat's mouth. The cat is bound to let some dribble out, but every little bit that he does ingest will help.

Feline UTI Prevention

Once your pet is over a urinary tract infection, keep them from coming back by adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to one cup of filtered water. You can mix this in advance and store it in glass jars in the refrigerator to save time.

When your pet's water dish needs refilling, make sure to use the vinegar mixture at least once day. If your cat will not drink the vinegar water, try reducing the amount to ½ teaspoon or mixing it with his canned food.

