Are There Any Canine UTI Cures Without Antibiotics?

Although canine UTI cures often involve a mixture of different types of treatments and regimens, the most common method of addressing this issue by far is antibiotics. UTIs, or urinary tract infections, are infections of the bladder, urethra or some other part of your pet's urinary tract. Like all other infections, this health condition is caused by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the affected part of the body. Thus, antibiotics, which are designed to eliminate bacteria, are the most frequently used and most effective means of dealing with the issue. However, there are additional methods of treating canine UTIs that do not involve antibiotics.

Citric Acid Remedies

Many natural medicine practitioners recommend the use of citric acid as a means of eliminating or reducing the number of bacteria in your pet's urinary tract. The treatment involves providing your dog with an additional or abnormal amount of citric acid in his diet and water. Citric acid, which is found in citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and grapefruits, is a powerful acid that can help to kill bacteria as it passes through your pet's system. The idea with this remedy is that, if you give your pet enough citric acid in his water, he'll pass the acid through his urinary tract as he urinates, thereby killing or eliminating much of the bacteria naturally.

Flushing Bacteria Out

Another way of helping to eliminate the bacteria in your pet's system is through a method known as flushing out the bacteria. By providing your dog with excessive water to drink, you'll encourage him to urinate much more frequently than normal. As this happens, the urine that passes through his system will often cause the bacteria to be flushed out. This is not a very effective method of completely eliminating an infection, but combined with other treatments it can certainly help to eliminate the bacteria and reduce the size and scope of the infection.

Neutralizing Bacteria

A third method of helping to address the issue of a canine UTI is to neutralize the bacteria. Certain substances that can be included in your pet's food and water may neutralize the bacteria by reducing its ability to reproduce and to grow, thereby eliminating or helping to diminish the effects of the infection. Apple cider vinegar is one of the more common of these substances. Making use of the acidity of vinegar and other natural properties of the liquid, you can add a portion of this substance to your pet's water or food and help to reduce the effects of the bacterial infection.

While all of these methods of helping to address your pet's bacteria related UTI are somewhat effective, the most useful by far is a standard antibiotic treatment. If your dog is diagnosed with a canine UTI, it's important that you deal with it promptly to avoid the possibility of the infection spreading to other parts of his body and becoming potentially fatal. Work with your veterinarian to come up with the best plan for you.

