Green Bean Diet for Dogs

A green bean diet is rich in fibers and may facilitate the digestive system health of canines. This diet is also used in dogs that need to lose weight. This diet is not recommended in all dogs, so a vet should be consulted before introducing it.

Green Bean Diet

A green bean diet is often recommended in obese dogs that need to lose weight. An excessive weight in dogs can lead to several health issues such as heart disease, diabetes or an early onset of arthritis. A dog that is obese has also a lower life expectancy and may have difficulties performing certain moves, leading to a poorer quality of life.

The green bean diet may also be recommended to canines that don’t have weight problems, but experience digestive issues due to unknown causes. Some vets may also put a dog on a green bean diet for a short period of time, before starting the food testing if the dog is suspected of having food allergies. This is done only if the dog is not allergic to green beans.

This type of diet is not recommended in dogs that have kidney issues or kidney stones, as the green beans contain oxalates.

How Does the Green Bean Diet Work

The green bean portions are low in calories (under 50 calories in a cup) and are meant to replace up to 60% of the dog’s regular food. The beans contain a healthy amount of proteins and fibers, so your dog will not be deprived of essential nutrients. The green beans also contain:

  • Vitamin A, being rich in beta carotene, a healthy antioxidant
  • Vitamin C, which has essential antioxidant properties and reduce the free radicals in the pet’s organism
  • Vitamin K, which is essential for healthy bones and blood clotting
  • Potassium
  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Niacin
  • Riboflavin, which is important for the health of the heart
  • Omega 3 fatty acids


The green beans make the dog feel full, so he will not be tempted to snack in between meals.

Introducing the Green Bean Diet

The green bean diet should be introduced only if the vet recommends it, as some dogs (with kidney damage) should avoid the green dean diet. The green bean diet, as any other new diet, should be introduced gradually in your dog’s diet. This will ensure that your dog won’t experience any adverse reactions such as vomiting or diarrhea.

When you introduce the green bean diet, this should be done within 2 weeks. On the first day, make sure your dog gets 80% of his regular food and 20% of green beans. After 3 or 4 days, increase the amount of green beans, giving the dog’s body time to adapt to the new diet. Increase the amount of green beans until your dog eats 40% regular food and 60% green beans. Make sure your dog doesn’t eat more than 60% of green beans.

