Herbal Dog Shampoo

The dog shampoo you use can have a great impact on the health of your pet's skin. A suitable product can make the coat shiny, while others can make the coat coarse and oily. Herbal dog shampoos can be a great solution for dogs that don't tolerate commercial products that contain a lot of chemicals, but these shampoos may also be beneficial for any dog. There are a few herbal shampoos that may be purchased, but there are also recipes you can make at home.

Herbal Dog Shampoo Ingredients

The herbal shampoos available on the market may contain a wide range of ingredients that can have benefits for the dog's skin and coat. The ingredients used in canine herbal shampoos include:

  • Olive oil leaves
  • Aloe vera
  • Fresh herbs such as rosemary, thyme, lavender, which can be used to soothe irritated skin
  • Arnica Montana, which can relieve itchiness and reduce inflammation
  • Goldenseal, has antimicrobial effects
  • Plantain, which is an astringent
  • Pokeweed, efficient in reducing acne and oily skin

Always check the labels for chemical additives. Chemical additives are not recommended, as they can be a source of allergies.

Herbal Shampoo Effects

The herbal shampoos may be formulated for different purposes. Some shampoos may be effective in removing fleas; others can eliminate allergies or itchy skin. There are also shampoos that can eliminate bad smelling coat or heal dry and flaky skin.

Homemade Herbal Shampoos

If you feel up to the challenge, preparing the herbal shampoos at home can have a number of advantages:

  • You make sure the shampoo doesn't contain chemicals
  • You include the herbs and ingredients that are needed
  • You can create several different formulas and administer them according to the dog's skin condition

There are a few recipes for homemade herbal dog shampoo:

  • To reduce fleas and eggs, you can use a bit of castile liquid soap (made of olive oil), mix with rosemary, apple cider vinegar and 4oz of glycerin.
  • For irritated skin, you can use a mix with castile soap, macerated aloe vera and some fresh herbs.
  • If your pet has dry and flaky skin, you should use some oatmeal, rosemary and aloe vera and mix them thoroughly. Add some glycerin (4 oz) and 1 cup of water.
  • To improve the smell of the dog's coat, you can prepare a shampoo with glycerin and lavender, pine cedar, sandalwood, orange or whichever natural flavors you prefer.

Essential oils can always be added to the mix and can help the skin, keeping it sufficiently moisturized. Add 10 to 20 drops of essential oil to the shampoos you make. You may use carrot oil, cedar wood, citronella or geranium oils. You should make sure the shampoos are kept in airtight containers; otherwise they can lose their benefits within a few hours. Always shake the containers before using them.

