What Is the Best Home Remedy for Dog Mange?

Many dogs experience an episode of mange in their lifetimes, and pet owners often search for an adequate home remedy for dog mange. While it's possible to use home remedies to prevent the infestation of mange mites, and to partially alleviate the symptoms of mange in your pet, home remedies are rarely as effective as a veterinarian-prescribed treatment. Prevention is your best tool at home to protect your pet against mange. Continue reading to learn about the most effective home remedy for dog mange.

Preventing Canine Mange at Home

In order to protect your pet against an outbreak of mange mites, keep his coat and skin clean. This can be accomplished by brushing your pet daily and bathing him once every 1 to 2 weeks. A thorough brushing and bathing schedule will keep his skin healthy, promoting a lustrous and shiny coat, as well as preventing mites from spreading. Mites feed off of dead skin cells on your pet’s body, and brushing and bathing him effectively removes those cells.

Treating Canine Mange at Home

A variety of anti-parasite dips and shampoos exist in pet stores today. The single best at-home treatment for dog mange is a medicated shampoo. Treat your pet by bathing him every few days or according to the instructions.  Although this is a remedy that can be administered at home, the most effective shampoos and dips are only available through veterinary prescription.  As is the case with most canine diseases, it's best to take your pet to the veterinarian at the first sign of the condition.

Other Ways to Manage Your Pet’s Mange

For pets that have been diagnosed with mange, you can help ease their symptoms partially and ensure that the mites don't spread to another animal, by thoroughly washing any bedding, clothing or other fabric that your pet has come in contact with. Use hot water. Mange is caused by mites that live in and on your pet’s skin, and mite eggs can make their way to furniture, clothing and other locations in your home. Thoroughly cleaning your environment is a way to manage your pet’s infection and prevent any further outbreaks.

It's important to note that some mange mites can also live on human hosts. Be careful when handling or bathing your dog with mange. A veterinarian’s diagnosis is helpful in determining the source of your pet’s mange and whether it will pose a threat to you, as you attempt to control his symptoms at home.

Mange is a painful and uncomfortable condition for your pet, and it's best to take the necessary measures to prevent him from experiencing it. If he does develop a mange mite infestation, it's important to recognize when the condition is severe enough that it warrants a vet’s attention. If your home remedies do not help to reduce your pet’s symptoms in a few days’ time, take him to the veterinarian for further examination and treatment.

