Keeping Dog Vet Costs Under Control

Dog vet costs can add up very quickly. While having a good dog vet is necessary for the longevity and health of your dog, preventative medicine is one of the best ways to save your money for emergencies. Pet health insurance is another way to minimize dog vet costs. There are also other ways to minimize the costs of your dog vet bill when you make the office visit.

Preventative Dog Medicine

If your dog is in ideal health and barring any emergency or disease, you should be able to get away with just 1 or 2 vet visits a year for vaccinations and a regular check-up. The best way to prevent disease is to feed your dog the best food you can buy. A biologically appropriate raw food diet is the best way for your dog to get all the nutrients he needs. It will also help his other bodily systems function at their best. Regular exercise, keeping food and water dishes sanitary and washed, and changing your dog's water every day are other ways to prevent diseases.

Parasite and Heart Worm Control

Fleas, ticks, and heart worm prevention can save you hundreds of dollars in dog vet bills. Flea bites can exacerbate skin conditions, and ticks can carry Lyme disease. Find a good monthly flea and tick treatment that kills adult fleas and their larvae and also kills ticks.


You can help your dog stay healthy with powders and liquids that are easy to add to his food. Some good supplements to consider are those that deal with joint issues, those that help digestion and the immune system (such as grapefruit seed extract), and those that help soothe skin issues such as vitamin E which is applied topically. Probiotic supplements can help your dog's colon stay clean which can stave off many diseases and problems with some of the other major systems in the body.

Pet Health Insurance

Pet health insurance costs money but will pay for itself in the event of an emergency or disease. It also keeps other vet expenses to a minimum, especially if you buy the insurance when your dog is young and healthy. Spend the time to research the various pet health insurance options to find a plan that fits your budget and lifestyle. Some plans will even help with regular expenses such as flea and tick treatments.

Proactive Physical Monitoring

The more you know about your dog's health and body, the more you can avoid visiting the vet on an emergency basis. Most vets charge extra for emergency appointments. Spend time each day brushing your dog and giving him a quick check with your hands and eyes. If you see skin irritations or feel a suspicious lump, you can research the situation and get advice from the vet over the phone about when you need to schedule an appointment. Many dog vet offices will provide some quick advice such as this over the phone and may even suggest in-home remedies to try.

Creating a Positive Relationship with Your Vet

You should feel like you can ask many questions and engage in a dialogue with your dog vet. Vets are people too and sometimes asking for a second opinion or asking if you can take some time to consider the treatment they are suggesting can save you money as well as ease your mind about the process.

