Why Kitten Fur Loss Needs Veterinary Attention

There are many causes of kitten fur loss. Fur loss can be caused by food allergies, fleas or parasites. Hair loss, regardless of the cause, is called alopecia.

Fur Loss From Food Allergies

Symptoms of food allergy usually begin with small red spots on the skin that spread, turn scabby or crusty and may become infected. Symptoms are usually first noticed about the head and face. Inhaled allergies can produce similar symptoms. Both food and inhalant allergies can lead to eventual hair loss. A trial feeding of a hypoallergenic diet or a trial of anti-inflammatory medications may give a diagnosis of allergy.

Flea Bites Resulting in Fur Loss

All it takes is one fleabite to produce an intense reaction in your cat. The symptoms are first noticed around the base of the tail. Treatment in this instance is the use of a flea preventative regimen and to treat the reaction to the fleabite with antihistamines or steroids.

Mites Cause Hair-Loss Biting

Mites are a skin parasite that can cause cats to chew or lick themselves in an effort to relieve the intense itching that is caused. You may not be able to see mites on your cat's skin but they can be diagnosed by looking at scrapings of skin cells under a microscope. Once the type of mite is diagnosed then an effective medication can be given to correct the problem.

Ringworm Fungus Causes Bald Patches

Ringworm is another common cause of kitten fur loss. Ringworm is not a worm at all but a fungus. This type of fur loss is frequently seen around the face, feet, and ears. Hair loss occurs in small patches and the skin is dry, gray, and flaky. This condition can be transmitted to humans so it is important to get your kitten treated if it is having any type of hair loss symptoms. The treatment consists of antifungal medications applied to the skin of the kitten.

