A Guide to Puppy Potty Training Methods

Puppy potty training doesn't have to be a hassle. In fact, it's much easier to housetrain a very young puppy than it is an adult dog. You'll have to be prepared for accidents, of course, when potty training a dog, but with the right method, success is assured. Here are some tips on how to potty train your puppy.

Basics of Dog Potty Training

Here are the basics of potty training a puppy:

  • Start your puppy on outside training right away; paper training first will only confuse him.
  • Only give your puppy food or water when you're able to take him out right away
  • If your puppy has an accident, quietly and calmly clean it up right away. Don't scare or hurt the puppy.
  • When you're at home, keep the puppy close to you if possible, so that you can take him out if he shows signs of needing to go.

Pet Potty Training Method

Dog toilet training methods vary, but basic principles remain the same. Here's what you need to do:

  • Take your dog outside as soon as he wakes up in the morning. Take him out right after he eats, drinks, wakes up from a nap, or comes out of his crate. Take him out right before bedtime. If he whimpers in the night, get up and take him out.
  • Normally, you'll never leave your dog without clean, fresh water, especially in hot, dry climates. However, during the potty training process, use your better judgement and withhold water unless you're feeding your dog or he seems thirsty. This can speed up the process and reduce the risk of accidents.
  • Your puppy will probably need to go potty about fifteen minutes after he's eaten or been watered. Take him outside, to the spot where you'd like him to go to the toilet. Use the same spot each time to avoid confusion and speed the process; dogs are creatures of habit, so building good habits is important.

Praise your puppy profusely when he potties in the right spot. Ignore him when he potties in the wrong spot. You want to build a relationship with this animal, so be patient.

Potty Training Tips

Pay attention to your puppy while you're waiting for him to do his business. Sometimes, especially in the beginning, you might have to wait a little while before your puppy gets around to using the toilet. You can do some exercises or some light gardening, but keep on eye on your puppy because you'll want to take him back in as soon as he's finished.

Choose an encouraging phrase such as "Go potty!" and say this to your puppy just as he begins to do his business. As your puppy begins to be toilet trained, saying this phrase when you take him outside can encourage him to get on with it. If you're potty training your puppy using a clicker, bell, or whistle, this same principle applies.

If you bring your puppy home at the age of eight weeks, expect accidents for the first couple of months. This is because your puppy is too young to have control over his bowels and bladder.

