Common Sources of Dog Poisoning

Dog poisoning is a serious condition and may be fatal if you don’t get help in a timely manner. The most common sources of dog poisoning are found in every household and it is important to detect the signs of poisoning, so that you can prevent damages.


Alcohol contains ethanol, which is a toxic substance for dogs. The higher the content of ethanol in the alcohol, the more toxic the beverage.

Ethanol is also present in bread dough.


Theobromine is a substance that is found in chocolate and cocoa and is highly toxic for dogs. Don’t feed chocolate to dogs, not even in low amounts.

The most toxic type of chocolate is baking chocolate.


Chemicals may poison your dog if ingested or even inhaled. Keep your dog away from household cleaners and chemicals and make sure you use pesticides and fertilizers that are pet friendly.

Matches are also toxic for dogs.

Rat or Rodent Poison

Rat or rodent poison is toxic for dogs, so keep your home rat poison free.


Grapes and raisins are dangerous for your dog’s health. All it takes is 4 or 5 grapes for a small dog to be poisoned.

Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are poisonous to dogs and a substance present in these, N-propyl disulphide, will induce the Heinz anemia. If the dog is not treated in timely manner, these ingredients may cause kidney failure.


Just as chocolate, coffee contains theobromine. In addition, coffee makes dogs hyper-agitated and excites the nervous system, causing vomiting and diarrhea.

Tea and sodas may also contain caffeine, so these are toxic too.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum containing xylitol is dangerous for dogs. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that may potentially cause liver damage.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are toxic for canines and can lead to temporary paralysis in the hind legs.


There are many plants that are poisonous for dogs. The most toxic include:

  • Plants from the potato family
  • Lilies
  • Ivies
  • Bulb plants
  • Aloe vera
  • Chrysanthemum

Even grass may be toxic for dogs, if it is treated with toxic pesticides and fertilizers.

Seeds and Pits

The seeds and pits of common fruits are poisonous for dogs. These pits and seeds may contain cyanide, which can lead to kidney failure. Avoid the pits and seeds of apples, peaches, apricots, plums and cherries.

Other Possible Toxic Foods

The dog may also get food poisoning from raw meat or raw fish that has been infested with bacteria or parasites. Food that is gone bad or moldy food may also be toxic.

Detect Poisoning

A dog that has ingested something toxic will display signs of weakness, vomiting, difficulty in breathing, dehydration, stomach pain or even seizures.

Depending on how toxic the ingested food is, it will take 2 to several hours for the poison to enter the blood flow. Make your dog vomit by administering a 3% solution of hydroxide peroxide and take him to the vet.

The vet will administer activated charcoal to absorb the poisonous substances in the dog’s stomach and he will prescribe IV fluids.

