Treating Cat Skin Infections with Clavamox

Cat skin is very sensitive in comparison to most other pets. Skin infections can occur due to a variety of factors such as bacterial infections, flea dermatitis and fungal infections. In order to treat pets suffering from skin infection it's necessary to know the underlying cause. Cats that exhibit skin infections develop red inflamed patches, pustules, skin lesions and suffer from excessive itching. Although the symptoms of infection differ in individual pets, care takers should seek medical help and avoid the use of over the counter products to reduce skin inflammation or redness.

Diagnosis of Cat Skin Infections

The vet will perform a thorough physical examination of the pet to determine the type and severity of skin infection present. Diagnostic tests such as blood and urine tests will also reveal any abnormalities present in the body. The vet will perform a skin scraping test in order to obtain a laboratory analysis of the skin sample or cells. If the infection is a result of an underlying health concern the infection will subside only after the main condition is cured.

Treatment of Cat Skin Infections

The treatment for skin infection varies according to its type. Most treatment procedures include medicated solutions, shampoos and ointments. Cats also develop skin lesions due to excessive scratching which in turn leads to secondary bacterial formation. This type of infection is treated with a course of antibiotic medication. Clavamox is a common medication that's prescribed for use in animals. It's used to prevent further bacterial infection and kill susceptible bacteria.

Clavamox for Cat Skin Infections

Clavamox is a broad spectrum antibiotic drug that effectively cures and heals wounds, pyodermas and abscesses. It contains the active ingredients amoxicillin trihydrate and clavulanic acid in specific ratios, safe for use in cats. Amoxicillin is similar to penicillin and kills a variety of strains of bacteria while clavulanic acid is an ingredient that inhibits enzymes such as beta-lactamase. Clavamox is available as tablets and oral suspension medication. Since the medication is also formulated for use in dogs, pet owners should read the package carefully and choose medication that's labeled for use in cats.

Dosage Instructions

The general dosage instruction for clavamox for cats is 1 tablet 2 times a day. The tablet should be given orally for the course of treatment prescribed by the vet. Alternatively the cat may be given 1 ml of oral suspension, 2 times a day for a period decided by the vet.

Side Effects of Clavamox

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Allergic reactions
  • Kills good bacteria


Although most pets respond favorably to the medication, clavamox shouldn't be used on pets with known hypersensitivity to the drug. The medication also causes drug interactions with certain medicines such as tetracycline, allopurinol and probenecid. Clavamox should be administered for the entire course of treatment even though pets may appear normal. Since overdose increases the risk of developing severe side effects, pet owners should monitor pets that are taking the medication and seek medical help if the cat develops hives, skin allergy hyperactivity or prolonged diarrhea.

Although clavamox effectively treats cat skin infections, it's best to determine the underlying cause of infection and take preventive measures to avoid re-infection.

