Treating Chronic Canine Rhinitis with Anti-Inflammatory Therapy

Anti-inflammatory medications are drugs prescribed to treat various inflammatory conditions that develop in various parts of the body. Canine rhinitis is one such condition that can be controlled with anti-inflammatory drugs. In order to understand the various treatment procedures beneficial to pets suffering from rhinitis, it's important to know the causes and symptoms that accompany rhinitis.

Canine Rhinitis

This is an inflammation of the dog's nasal lining and sinuses. Rhinitis can be either acute or chronic in nature. The primary cause of canine rhinitis is infection such as canine parainfluenza virus, canine distemper virus and adenoviruses. Apart from viral infections dogs develop rhinitis due to periodontal diseases, nasal tumors, fungal infections and allergies. In order to treat canine rhinitis, the vet will perform various diagnostic tests and look for clinical signs of the condition.

Chronic Rhinitis

Pets suffering from chronic rhinitis suffer from frequent inflammation of the nasal lining. It's generally associated with nasal disease and pet's often don't respond to medication and nasal drops. The vet will perform a complete examination to choose the ideal treatment option to control chronic cases of rhinitis.

Symptoms of Chronic Rhinitis in Dogs Include:

  • Nasal discharge
  • Dog frequently paws nose
  • Change of pigmentation around the nose
  • Sneezing accompanied by eye discharge

Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Rhinitis in Dogs

The vet will perform blood tests to determine if the components of blood are within the normal range. X-rays are useful to detect abnormalities present in the chest and nasal cavity. In addition, the vet will perform CT scans or MRI tests to rule out underlying health conditions such as internal tumors and cancer. Another procedure that should be performed by a trained vet specialist is known as rhinotomy. The treatment of rhinitis includes anti-inflammatory medication and anti-fungal tablets. Antibiotic medication is prescribed to treat bacterial infections especially if chronic rhinitis is present. Since chronic rhinitis occurs due to chronic inflammatory disease, neoplasia and parasite infections, the vet may prescribe antimicrobial chemotherapy as a course.

Anti-inflammatory Medication for Dogs

Commonly used drugs to treat chronic rhinitis include doxycycline and azithromycin. A combination of azithromycin and piroxicam is also administered for a period specified by the vet. Pet owners should follow dosage and administration instructions to avoid overdose and toxicity. Chronic rhinitis may require treatment for nearly 6 months. Clinical studies are also establishing the benefits of itraconazole, to treat chronic rhinitis associated with chronic inflammatory disease. Due to the side effects associated with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotic medicines, pet owners should discuss with the vet long term solutions to control chronic rhinitis.

Other Treatment Options

Pets suffering from chronic rhinitis associated with cancer require surgery and radiation therapy to prolong survival and increase quality of life. If chronic rhinitis develops due to allergic reactions, anti-histamines are prescribed to help the dog breathe without difficulty. Pet owners should also help pets suffering from rhinitis by keeping them in a comfortable environment. Vaporizers may be used to alter the air and help pets breathe.

Since chronic rhinitis causes discomfort and pain to pets, it's necessary to prescribe medication on time and follow vet instructions to keep the dog comfortable.

