Understanding Antibiotics for Cats

Before giving your cats antibiotics, it is crucial that you understand how these powerful medicines function and what they are designed to address. Feline antibiotics are among the most commonly prescribed and most potent medicines utilized by veterinarians, but they also carry potentially harmful side effects and other risks. Understanding cat pills, cat injections and how to give your cat dosages of these drugs in proper ways will help to ensure that your pet recovers to full health as quickly as possible.

Antibiotics Overview

Antibiotics are medicines used to eliminate bacteria from your pet's system. Unlike viruses, which affect your pet's DNA and can only be moderated with drugs, bacterial diseases can be fully eliminated with the help of antibiotics.

When a potentially harmful bacteria enters your pet's system, your cat's body responds by activating an immune system response to the invasion. Typically, the body generates white blood cells and antibodies to fight off the bacteria. In many cases, these natural forms of resistance are sufficient to eliminate any bacteria before it has a chance to spread. However, when the bacteria overwhelms your cat's immune response, it multiplies and spreads throughout his body, causing disease.

Antibiotics serve to kill or otherwise neutralize these harmful bacteria. While different antibiotics function differently (some kill bacteria outright, while others eliminate the reproductive capabilities or otherwise reduce the threat of bacteria), they each serve this similar purpose.

Treating Your Pet with Antibiotics

Before giving a pet a potent medicine like amoxicillin, feline caretakers and veterinarians must first determine the cause of any negative symptoms or conditions. Because antibiotics are only equipped to eliminate bacteria-related conditions, they are not effective at addressing a number of common and uncommon cat health problems.

The first step toward providing your cat with antibiotic treatment is to take him to the veterinarian. Make note of his symptoms and present your vet with as much information about your cat's negative condition and overall health as possible. Because some antibiotics react negatively in the presence of other drugs, be sure to inform your vet of any other medications or supplements that you regularly provide your cat.

After your vet has diagnosed your pet's condition, he will be able to tell you whether or not antibiotics may be an appropriate treatment method.

Administering Antibiotics

The exact type of antibiotic and the specific dose will depend both upon your pet individually and the cause of his symptoms. Generally, antibiotics are dosed according to weight. There are a variety of forms of antibiotics for cats, including pills, injections and more. Most pet owners find that oral dosages are the easiest to deal with at home.

It is crucial that you observe your pet's condition closely while he is taking antibiotics. At the first sign of any unusual symptoms or negative reactions, take him to the veterinarian immediately. Furthermore, it is important that you also continue the full prescription of antibiotics through its course, as stopping the dosing midway through may leave your cat vulnerable to a repeat infection.

Antibiotics are available through veterinary prescription only. Keep in close contact with a vet if your cat is taking antibiotics or if you suspect that he may benefit from an antibiotic treatment.

