Understanding Erratic Dog Running Behavior

Dog running is considered normal when pets are outdoors or engage in playful activities. Dogs often run impulsively around the house. This running is erratic and repetitive. The pet may jump over furniture and run constantly for nearly 10 minutes without stopping. Since pet owners find such behavior confusing, it's important to understand the various causes that lead to erratic and often impulsive behavior in dogs.

Dog Behavior Issues

Before reprimanding dogs for behavior issues, it's necessary to conduct a vet check to determine if the dog is suffering from underlying health concerns. Often the symptoms of seizures or neurological disorders are confused with behavior issues. If pets repeatedly exhibit signs of aggression, excessive barking, running or sudden collapse, it's best to perform a thorough medical examination.

Normal Dog Behavior

Pet owners have to understand that canines in general have certain behavior traits that are specific to most dogs. Canines have predatory drives that urge them to run recklessly outdoors and chase prey. Dogs also require daily exercise to keep them energized and active. Pet owners that don't walk their pets daily are likely to witness erratic running behavior at home. Dogs run erratically to ward off boredom and release energy built up due to long periods of rest. Since pets require attention, exercise and a nurturing environment, erratic running that occurs due to boredom is considered normal behavior.

Other Causes of Erratic Dog Behavior

A few dogs develop neurological disorders that lead to repetitive behavior. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one such neurological problem that causes dogs to perform repetitive activities frequently. Although OCD develops due to various factors, a known cause of OCD in dogs is lack of routine activities or lack of structure in their life. Pets may destroy objects or lick themselves excessively due to the lack of activity in their lives. Pet owners should notice signs of unusual behavior and adopt a trial and error method to prevent OCD in dogs. It's best to create a routine for the dog or play with the dog periodically to alter the behavior. Apart from OCD, pets often run due to fear response. This anxiety can be triggered due to environmental factors such as thunderstorms or sudden loud sounds.

Tips for Pet Owners:

  • Ensure that the pet isn't exhibiting erratic running behavior due to pain, hormonal imbalance or fear.
  • Make sure the dog gets plenty of exercise each day. Jogging alongside the pet owner is ideal. Pets may also be taken to parks to interact with other pets and develop social skills.
  • Erratic behavior that's accompanied by biting or aggression may be altered with professional dog training sessions.
  • Pets suffering from fear are often trained to overcome anxiety. Prescribed pills also work to reduce excitability.
  • Spaying or neutering pets may be necessary if the pet is suffering from behavior issues associated with mating.

Pet owners should monitor the pet during erratic running behavior to notice unusual symptoms that may be associated with health concerns. Since most dogs get tired after daily exercise, it's easy to manage erratic running with scheduled playtime for pets.

