Using an Automatic Pet Food Dispenser

An automatic pet food dispenser is beneficial and may spare you the time spent on preparing and feeding your dog every day. In addition, the pet food dispenser will administer the food regularly; your dog will get food at the same time every day, which is beneficial for his system and digestion.

Why Use Automatic Pet Food Dispensers

A pet food dispenser is an ideal device for you and your pet, especially if you have a busy schedule and tend to forget to feed your pet. The automatic dispenser will take care of feeding your dog at the time you decide is best for his meals.

You will need to program the device, so that it will release the food for your pet. You will also need to fill the device with food on a regular basis; this may be required once every two to three days or even less frequently, if the dispenser is larger. Some devices will let you know if they are empty or when the food is scarce, so that you don't forget to add more food.

If the pet gets food at regular hours, this can be highly beneficial for his digestive system. In addition, the pet won't have snacks when he gets bored, so he won't become obese. If you free feed your pet, he may tend to eat more frequently, even if he's not hungry.

The pet food dispenser can also come in handy when you leave for a few days and your pet will stay at home; the device will give food, so the dog won't necessarily need a pet sitter.

Shortcomings of Pet Food Dispensers

Pet food dispensers can have a number of shortcomings as well:

  • You will have to remember to fill the device, otherwise, your pet will go hungry.
  • Wet food cannot be kept in the food dispenser for longer than two to four hours, because it will oxidize and won't be healthy for your pet.
  • You will have to determine how much the pet needs to eat. If the amount is not sufficient, your pet may have nutritional deficiencies. It's important to consult the vet about the right amount of food for your pet

Choose an Automatic Pet Food Dispenser

If you have decided that your dog needs an automatic pet food dispenser, you will have to choose a device that has several features that are important for a quality dog food dispenser. Choose a size that is sufficient for your pet's dietary needs and will hold food for at least three days, so you won't have to fill it every day. Also, it may help if the device has a signal that will let you know when to fill it with food again, so that you won't forget Make sure the device can be programmed and test it to see if it works properly.

Check if the food dispenser is safe and won't be easy to break by the pet, because pets may be interested in the device, especially when sensing that there is food inside.

