Using Claritin for Pet Allergies

Pet allergies consist of an exaggerated reaction of the human immune system to animal hair. Studies show that around 15 percent of the world's population is allergic to cats and dogs, but only 1 out of 5 people are willing to give up their pet because of the allergy. There are several solutions to apply when it comes to pet allergies. 

Pet Allergies

Animal skin produces various proteins found in the dander, which cause the allergy. These glycoproteins are the allergens. The human body reacts to these proteins and starts producing antibodies which trigger the allergy.

It is not the actual hair of the animal which causes the allergy, but the protein produced by the skin and which can also be found in the pet's saliva and urine, but only in reduced amounts. However, if you display symptoms of allergy, get some allergy tests to confirm the allergen you react to, because it could also be something else in your environment.

Using Claritin for Pet Allergies

Pet allergies are usually treated with antihistamine drugs. Claritin is an antihistaminic medicine which is effictive against all types of allergies, including pet allergies. Its main ingredient is loratadine, a second-generation antihistamine with non-sedating effects. Claritine deals with the allergy symptoms, such as sneezing, running nose, red watery eyes, hives and other skin reactions. It can be purchased over the counter and it can be bought as tablets or syrup.

Unlike other antihistamines, Claritin does not have a sedative effect and it does not enhance the effects of alcohol. Claritin doesn't interact with other medications.

Administration of Claritin

Claritin is administered once a day and has a rapid action which leads to the relief of symptoms (i.e., about 30 minutes after the administration). Claritin maintains its efficiency during the entire treatment period, improving the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis or chronic urticaria.

Cautions for Claritin Users

There are no major side effects to the administration of Claritin reported. In very rare cases it might cause a dry mouth sensation, gastrointestinal distress, urinary problems or headaches. In patients with serious hepatic function disorders, a smaller dose might be necessary. Therefore, it is recommended that treatment starts with a lower dose. To date, studies and clinical trials have not shown any side effects if administered during breastfeeding.

Tips for Dealing with Pet Allergy

Besides the treatment, there are several other solutions to help you deal with the pet allergies:

  • Create an allergen free area in the house where your pet does not have access (perhaps the bedroom)
  • Use air purifiers
  • Avoid buying objects which accumulate dust and pet dander (carpets, tapestry)
  • Groom your pet regularly
If you happen to be allergic to your pet and you do not want to give him up, you can use antihistamines such as Claritin. There are also several other solutions to pet allergies, such as allergy shots.
