What to Do for Constipation in Dogs

Many pet owners find themselves wondering what to do for constipation in their dogs at some point in their lives. Constipation is one of the more common issues affecting many dogs. It's very likely that your pet will suffer from this condition at some point, and many dogs become constipated regularly. In most cases, this is not cause for any serious concern. However, you'll want to be sure that you help to relieve your dog's constipation as quickly as possible to prevent him from going through unnecessary discomfort and to ensure that no more serious side effects or secondary conditions arise.

Stool Softeners for Constipation

If your pet suffers from irregular and isolated episodes of constipation, you may wish to keep a stool softener product on hand in your home. There are a number of products that are formulated specially for dogs, and most of these medicines do not require a veterinarian's prescription. Laxatone is one of the more popular choices and can be purchased at virtually all pet supply and food stores. Provide your pet with a dose of this medicine in order to encourage healthy and normal bowel movements after an isolated case of constipation.

Help To Lubricate the Colon

Mineral oil is a good way to help lubricate your pet's colon, which can help to make the bowel movement process much easier for your pet. This type of oil is available at pet food and supply stores. Mix it in with your dog's dry food in order to provide him some relief from constipation. When in doubt about quantity, consult with your vet to be sure that you're giving your pet the proper amount of mineral oil.

Increase Water to Help Ease

One of the many reasons that dogs become constipated is due to dehydration. If your pet does not have enough water to drink, his body may form stool that is compact and hard to release through bowel movements. Ensure that your dog always has access to clean and fresh water throughout the day. If your pet does have access to water of this type and still does not drink much water, he may be suffering from a more serious underlying health condition, and you should take him to the vet.

Change Diet to Help Constipation

The most effective way of treating long term constipation in dogs is through dietary changes. Just as an increase in fiber helps to promote healthy bowel movements in humans, the same is true for dogs. Keeping a small bag of specialty high fiber food in your home is good if your pet suffers from infrequent and one time constipation episodes. Before you begin to change your pet's food permanently, however, it's important to consult with your vet to ensure that the new diet will be fully able to provide your dog with the nutrients and energy that he needs.

If your pet's constipation continues in spite of these solutions, speak with a vet.

