What to Do If Your Dog Ate Chocolate

If your dog ate chocolate this is an alarming sign, as chocolate is toxic and may lead to poisoning. You will have to apply a few emergency procedures to ensure your pet is safe and the chocolate doesn’t cause permanent damage or death.

Recognize Chocolate Poisoning

If your dog has eaten chocolate, you will notice a few symptoms such as:

  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion and lack of coordination
  • Shaking
  • Agitation
  • Nervousness
  • Excessive drooling and foaming at the mouth
  • Increased thirst
  • Muscle spasms
  • Seizures
  • Sudden collapse
  • Coma

These symptoms may occur after the dog has eaten the chocolate and may get worse if you don’t act in any way.

Emergency Procedures for Chocolate Poisoning

If you see any symptoms that can point to chocolate poisoning, you have to stimulate vomiting in your dog. Administer water with a few drops of hydroxide peroxide, which should trigger vomiting within 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure if your dog fails to vomit.

If your pet vomits, this will remove the toxic ingredients from his system and prevent these from entering the blood flow and causing permanent damage.

You should also get to the vet as soon as possible, but keep your dog calm. Theobromine doesn’t have an antidote, but the vet will try to eliminate the contents of the dog’s stomach or administer activated charcoal, which will soak up the poisonous materials in the dog’s stomach.

Emetic drugs are recommended to stimulate vomiting.

IV fluids are also recommended to flush the damaging substances from the dog’s system.

Chocolate Toxicity

Chocolate is toxic as it contains theobromine. This is a substance that will irritate the dog’s system and may be fatal in high amounts. Chocolate will cause a high blood pressure and will also cause cardiovascular and nervous system damage. Dogs with hypertension are particularly exposed to severe poisoning after consuming chocolate.

Theobromine is typically used in all types of chocolate, especially in dark chocolate. In white chocolate, theobromine is in reduced amounts and is usually not enough to cause poisoning. However, to be safe, you need to keep your pet away from any type of chocolate.

There are also chocolates that contain caffeine, which is another ingredient that is toxic for canines. Avoid any products that contain theobromine, cocoa or caffeine.

How Much Is Too Much?

Theoretically, 50 mg of theobromine per kilo weight can be fatal. However, it is difficult to detect the amounts of theobromine in each tablet of chocolate. The amount of theobromine will vary according to the manufacturer and the chocolate recipe. Typically, chocolate contains about 50 mg of theobromine per oz.

Also, 50 mg of caffeine per kilo can be a deadly dose.

Don’t give your dog chocolate, even if you think this could be a great treat. Keep the chocolate for yourself and get some dog treats that are beneficial for your pet.

