How Effective Is Yogurt for Cats with Diarrhea?

Cats with diarrhea suffer from loose or watery stools, increase in bowel movement and sometimes other accompanying symptoms. Diarrhea is not a disease in itself but a symptom of an underlying health concern. Although minor cases of diarrhea can be treated with home remedies, it's important to determine the underlying cause of diarrhea and start treatment. Pet owners should also watch for signs of blood in stools, fever, pain and nausea. If the diarrhea persists despite administration of home remedies or if it's accompanied by other symptoms, prompt medical intervention is necessary to avoid dehydration and collapse.

Common Causes of Diarrhea

  • Bacterial infections
  • Viral infections
  • Intestinal parasites
  • Dietary intolerance
  • Intestinal tumors
  • Toxicity

Treatment of Feline Diarrhea

After detailed diagnosis of the symptoms present through x-rays, fecal exams and ultrasounds, the vet will recommend keeping the cat on a fast for nearly 12 hours, for minor cases of food intolerance. Although food is withheld, pets should be encouraged to drink water to reduce the risk of dehydration. Treatment options vary according to the severity of the underlying problem present. Pets may require supportive care such as IV fluid administration if the diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting. Surgical intervention is also necessary if the cat is suspected of gastrointestinal lymphomas or intestinal inflammation.

Yogurt for Cats

Minor dietary intolerance can be controlled with yogurt. However, if the symptoms persist or if the cat becomes severely ill, the diarrhea might exist due to another health concern that can't be cured with yogurt. Due to its probiotic nature, yogurt helps relieve symptoms of gas, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Irrespective of the brand used, it's best to give sick pets, yogurt free from lactose. Since few pets may suffer from lack of appetite, pet owners should mix 2 to 3 tsp. of yogurt to pet food. It's also advisable to feed pets, diets that are bland and easy to digest. Yogurt should be administered once a day to avoid overworking the gastrointestinal tract. Pet owners should also take certain preventive measures to avoid diarrhea in cats.

Tips for Pet Owners:

  • Keep cat food and water bowls clean by regularly washing them
  • Ensure that the pet doesn't ingest food from the floor
  • Avoid giving pets table scraps as this increases the risk of food intolerance
  • Avoid giving the pet milk if the cat is already suffering from diarrhea
  • Pet owners should be aware of various ingredients that are toxic to cats
  • Discard medication and chemicals in an appropriate manner to avoid accidental toxicity in cats
  • Treat diarrhea at the earliest to prevent complications

Ensuring Optimal Health

Pet owners should conduct routine fecal exams at least twice a year to rule out intestinal parasites in cats. Cats administered new diets should also be monitored for food intolerance. It's best to incorporate little amounts of new food to the cat's normal food before switching the diet entirely. Vaccines protect cats from various viral and bacterial agents that lower immune system functioning and cause severe illnesses. It's thus best to keep pets up to date on core vaccines.

Although home remedies work effectively on some pets, they may not benefit others. The only way to determine response to home remedies is through initiating the treatment.

