Bad Cat Advice: 6 Cat Care Myths

Everyone who has ever owned a pet seems to have definitive ideas about how to best care for those pets. However, there is plenty of bad cat advice along with the good. Some of the most common conceptions about cats and their care are actually myths. While they may not be damaging to your pet's health, these cat care myths may cost you money or unnecessary stress. Read on to learn about the truth behind the 6 most common cat care myths.

Cats in the Home Do Not Require Vaccinations

Many pet owners believe that cats only require vaccinations for common diseases like rabies and distemper if their pets spend time outdoors, where they may interact with other cats. Like human cold and influenza strains, some of the most common feline illnesses occur so frequently simply because they do not require direct cat-to-cat contact. Your pet may become infected with these diseases if he never once leaves your home. It is important to speak with your veterinarian about a proper vaccination program and to ensure that your pet's shots are up to date and comprehensive.

Milk Is Great for Cats

Milk is unusually high in fat compared to other cat foods, and an excessive amount of milk may cause your cat digestion problems, diarrhea and excess weight. Monitor his milk consumption carefully.

Cats Can Be Vegetarian

Unlike humans, cats require proteins that may only be found in meats. As such, a cat that isn't fed adequate meat in its diet will be malnourished, and may suffer a variety of complications due to improper nutrition.

Cats Clean Themselves

Cats are generally hygienic animals. Most cats will keep their coats relatively clean without human intervention. However, it is important to check your cat's coat and skin regularly for signs of parasites, rashes, dirt and other potentially harmful conditions. Although many cats do not like water, it may be necessary to bathe your cat periodically in order to keep his skin and fur healthy. Similarly, cats are not able to clean their own teeth, and it is crucial to your cat's long-term health that you brush his teeth every day or two.

Cats Rely on their Whiskers

There are a variety of rumors about the function and importance of a cat's whiskers. While the whiskers are sensitive hairs that may help your cat to sense the world around him, they are not crucially important to your cat's balance or other functions.

Feline Worms May Be Treated with Garlic

There are a variety of at-home remedies and treatments that are not particularly useful or effective. If your cat suffers from a medical condition of any type, it is always best to have him examined by a veterinarian. Some conditions may be serious, and delaying proper treatment can put your pet's life in danger.

Learn the truth about these common feline care myths, and help to keep your cat healthy and happy.

