Canine Health Problems Indicated by Dog Breath Smells

Dog breath that is bad is a condition that may indicate a few medical conditions. The dog’s breath is not too pleasant as it is, however, if the dog has a health problem, the breath will be worse than usual. The most frequent health problems causing bad breath in dogs include teeth problems, diabetes or kidney and liver problems.

Canine Gingivitis

When the dog’s gums are swollen, this is a condition known as gingivitis. This condition may be caused by the lack of proper hygiene. The harmful bacteria that lodge in the dog’s mouth attack the teeth and the gums and these get inflamed.

Other symptoms of gingivitis may include the pawing of the mouth, excessive salivation, discolored or red gums. The pet may also avoid eating, as chewing may be painful.

Gum bleeding, especially when these are touched or brushed may also be present.

Periodontal Disease

In dogs, the periodontal disease has been linked to heart disease. The plaque deposits gather after each meal and if this is not being removed on a regular basis, it can turn into tartar and cause gum disease. The disease can advance to periodontal disease, which will allow the bacteria from the mouth to enter the blood stream and attack the heart or other vital organs and cause serious infections.

Abscessed Tooth

A damaged tooth with untreated cavities or dental fractures can lead to an abscess. The tooth and the gum near it will be affected and there will be puss in the gum tissue. The puss may be visible and the smell coming from the dog’s oral cavity will be really bad.


The GSPC, short for lymphocytic-plasmacytic gingivitis-stomatitis-pharyngitis or stomatitis may affect a dog. Stomatitis may be present in the form of chronic ulcerations in the dog’s oral cavity.

Even if the cause of GSPC in dogs is not known, senior dogs and dogs with a weakened immune are more exposed to getting stomatitis.

Objects Stuck in the Oral Cavity

Dogs may eat different objects and foods from the garbage and it often happens that some of these foods or objects get stuck between the teeth and if not removed by brushing, they start to decompose and cause bad breath.

Check your dog’s mouth and if you identify the culprit object, you may try removing it by using the dog’s tooth brush or a pair of tweezers. Visit the vet if you fail to remove the object.


Diabetes or pancreas problems may cause bad breath. Diabetes is caused by an excess of glucose in the blood or by the incapacity of the body to absorb all the glucose from the blood.

The dog will also drink more water, urinate more frequently and possibly lose weight.


If the dog has a tumor in the oral cavity or in the throat, he may have bad breath. You should always check your dog’s gums and mouth for any unusual lumps or bumps and consult your vet when you find something.

In addition to halitosis, the dog may also drool, sneeze or cough.

