Cat Allergy Treatment

An allergic cat will have symptoms such as itchy skin, rashes, inflammation, sneezing, coughing or watery eyes. Cat allergy treatment options are multifold and they depend on the underlying cause of the negative reaction.

Immunization Shots

By far, the immunization shots are the most effective long-term treatment option for cat allergies. The immunization shots contain the specific allergen your cat is affected by, so detecting it is crucial. The vaccines will be administered on a monthly basis and after several months (3 to 12, depending on the immunity of the pet) your cat should have diminished symptoms, as the cat builds up immunity to the allergen.

Until the vaccines become effective, the cat should get alternative treatment to manage the allergy symptoms.

However, the immunization shots are not successful in relieving food allergies.

Antihistamines and Decongestants

Antihistamines and decongestants can relieve allergic reactions due to the productions of histamines in excess. The histamines are produced by the cat's body as an immune response to allergens and will cause inflammation and other symptoms.

Antihistamines can be administered as a short-term solution, as they have side effects such as agitation, irritability, nausea, confusion and upset stomach.

If antihistamines are administrated for longer periods of time, the cat may build up immunity to these, so you need to switch to a different type of decongestants.


Steroids may relieve the allergy symptoms, reducing swelling, itchiness and healing rashes. Vets may use steroids in conjunction with antihistamine drugs.

Steroids should be considered as short term treatment as they have side effects including increase appetite, acne, behavioral changes, hormonal imbalance, liver damage or cardiovascular issues.

Never use steroids without consulting your vet first.

Steroid creams are effective in healing itchiness and skin irritation and may be used in addition to the medication therapy. You may also opt for ointments that contain natural ingredients.

Get Rid of Parasites

Parasites cause allergic reactions in cats. Cats are particularly allergic to skin parasites such as ticks. mites or fleas; the allergen is actually the saliva of the parasite.

Using insecticides, flea shampoos, flea collars, cleaning the cat's environment are a few steps in eliminating parasites.

The rashes and skin itchiness will persist even after removing the parasites, so use some ointments until these are gone.

Get Rid of Allergens

Food allergies may only be treated by removing the allergen and changing the cat's diet. Food trials will be needed to find the food that causes irritation in your cat.

Also, if the cat has contact allergies to different fabrics, shampoo, litter or plastic, you should remove these from his environment.

Frequent Baths or Cleaning

Frequent baths will reduce your cat's allergy symptoms, as multiple allergens are absorbed through the skin pores. Use a hypoallergenic shampoo.

If your cat does not like water or baths, use a damp cloth and some special brushes or mitts and clean his coat and skin at least 3 times per week.

