6 Common Causes of Dog Skin Irritation

Dog skin irritation is one of the most common ailments among the canine world. Making sure the dog's skin and coat are in healthy condition is the primary means of prevention. Even with good quality nutrition and grooming a dog can fall victim to these irritants.

6 Common Causes of Dog Skin Irritation

  • Allergies are a common cause of skin irritation. Whether it's an external source like certain fibers around the house or internal sources like their food or an ingredient in the food, the canine body will often react with a dog skin rash causing the dog to scratch.
  • Food is also a common source of dermatitis in dogs. While the dog may not be allergic to the food, they may still have an adverse reaction to it causing an eruption on the skin.
  • Environmental irritants can cause canine itching. Chemicals used in gardening, perfumes, certain plants all can cause irritation to the dog's skin.
  • Neurosis are one of the most difficult skin irritants to diagnose. Dog's who have separation anxiety, are frustrated or are bored will often lick or chew themselves until the skin is raw.
  • Infections from fungus, bacteria or yeast can cause inflammation, itching and hair loss.
  • Parasites cause skin irritation because their bites create wounds that must heal. Fleas, ticks and mange fall under the parasite category.

While maintaining healthy skin and coat are a good preventative to skin conditions, they can't always be stopped. Being aware of potential irritants can help prevent skin problems and keep the dog healthy and comfortable.

