Dog Mange Treatment with Interceptor

Canine mange is an uncomfortable and sometimes painful condition caused by microscopic mites that infest your dog's skin. Finding an adequate dog mange treatment depends on the type of mite and the severity of the condition. Although most parasite control drugs will be effective against mange in some way, milbemycin oxime has become popular in recent years for its use against mange. Milbemycin oxime is also known by the name Interceptor®. Continue reading to learn about the use of Interceptor as a treatment for canine mange, as well as the side effects and other considerations associated with the drug.

Milbemycin Oxime Overview

Interceptor is a parasite control drug. It was designed to prevent heartworm infection and to control roundworm and hookworm infections in dogs. Milbemycin oxime functions by interrupting the parasite's nervous system, resulting in paralysis and, eventually, death. As a prescription anti-parasitic drug, Interceptor has been tested for use in all dogs. It is approved for oral administration in cases of roundworm and hookworm and as a preventative medicine against heartworm. Like other anti-parasitic drugs, Intereceptor is only available with a prescription from a veterinarian.

Milbemycin Oxime as a Treatment for Dog Mange

In addition to its effectiveness against internal parasites, Interceptor is frequently successful at eliminating external parasites as well. The drug was not designed for use against these parasites, which include the mites that cause canine mange, and so this treatment is considered "extra-label." Interceptor works well to eliminate the mites that cause mange, which gradually helps to reduce the symptoms of mange. In order for the treatment to entirely eliminate the mites and their young, most veterinarians recommend a treatment of Interceptor for 2 to 3 months.

Side Effects of Interceptor

Interceptor has minimal side effects. The incidence of adverse reaction to the drug is minimal, but the potential side effects include the following:

  • Shock
  • Seizures
  • Nervous system damage

These reactions typically occur when a dog is allergic to Interceptor or another ingredient in the drug. If you are concerned about the potential of adverse effects, consult with your veterinarian before administering Interceptor to your dog as a treatment for canine mange.

Other Considerations

It is important to follow the veterinarian's prescription and dosage requirements exactly in order to fully eliminate the mite infestation. The risk of adverse effects increases somewhat if the full treatment regimen is abandoned or left incomplete. The exact dosage and administration schedule depends upon your dog's age, overall health, breed, size and condition. Your veterinarian will prescribe dosage instructions, and if you feel that the dosage is too high or too low, it is best to consult with the prescribing vet.

A full treatment plan of Interceptor, over 2 to 3 months, may be quite expensive in comparison with other mange treatment options. If cost is a consideration, you may want to speak with your veterinarian about alternative medicines and treatment plans.

